The first time I came to Welly World I thought the place was bananas. But since it’s grown to become the centre of the known equestrian winter universe, those early days feel quaint in comparison. And now they have eventing too! It’s kind of lame eventing, but still; it IS the last missing Olympic discipline […]
Here I sit in Toronto airport, red eyed and bushy tailed, half way to Welly World. There isn’t any quick and easy way to get from Vancouver diagonally across the continent to Florida; hence the dreaded overnight traverse. Wake me up, triple grande It promises to be a fine time in Welly World over the […]
If anyone out there is genuinely surprised that Ingmar De V. has been elected FEI Prez, please raise your hand. No one? I didn’t think so. I mean, really. There could have been no other outcome. As I read the FEI press release announcing Ingmar’s victory, I had a strange sense of déjà vu. Where […]
Good BYE 2014. Don’t let the door hit your backside on the way out. I grudgingly invite you to rest in peace. Certainly you left me in pieces. What a year that was. And it just didn’t let up right to the very end. On December 13 we packed up the van and the dog […]
You know that genre of non-fiction known as the unauthorized biography? As I stared at last week’s FEI announcement (which was released with a smirk and the sound of hands dusting each other off), in which it was explained why we will hear no more about the Marmoog horse swapping scandal, I realized that what […]
After I posted my ‘meet the candidates’ blog yesterday, it was brought to my attention that the photo of Pierre Genecand (which I suggested would have been superior if it had a horse in it) had been cropped to fit the format of the post about the FEI Presidential Candidates. I was also informed […]
In the interests of becoming interested once more in the equestrian political machine, I spent a few minutes making a reading dent in the long but very revealing ’10 Questions for the FEI Presidential Candidates’ posted on today. In order not to exceed my stamina or your interest, I’m going to go at commenting […]
You may have been wondering where I’ve got to these past weeks. The posts have been few, and the humour laboured, if there at all. I’m afraid I’ve had all too good an excuse: my mother Elizabeth (known to most in the horse community as Liz) passed away on November 3rd. I have always done […]
My Google alerts have been liberally peppered lately with news items about someone not generally known for having scurf under his finger nails: Bill Gates. First it was about the $40,000 (and counting) in fines he’s racked up with an illegal manure bin at his spread in Welly World (the one he bought when he […]
One of the reasons I have so enjoyed the equestrian writing these past dozen years has been the opportunity to travel. I am a self-confessed travel addict, the bug having bitten hard when I was a teen – probably even earlier. Covering a WEG, an Olympics, a Pan Am Games, has been an excuse to […]