Well now we know why HRH decided not to run for that third term. I applaud her decision to ‘get off the pot’ so that a heavy hand could be applied to the NF of the family she married into. In case you have been profoundly out of touch this past week, the FEI has […]
Feeling a bit uninspired about a title for today’s post, I looked up what meaning March 11th might have out there in the wider world. It’s one of the less distinguished dates on the calendar, unless of course it happens to be your birthday. Now, if you’re in the mood for a little Hump Day […]
Insomnia & Islamic Treasures I suppose ‘insomnia’ is not really the correct word. It implies one is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep for no particular reason. I think ‘sleep deprivation’ is more accurate. The cause of my exhaustion was the Qatari tradition of whooping it up on Thursday night prior to the Holy […]
You know that saying about there being no such thing as bad publicity? I’m not at all convinced of the verity of that claim, but I can tell you one thing that I know for absolute certain: that there IS such a thing as stupid publicity. A few weeks ago, the Huffington Post ran one […]
I am embarrassed to admit that although I have watched para-dressage online, I have never actually seen it in person. Here at the CHI Al Shaqab (where international para-dressage is making its Asian debut) I was struck by several things: The severity of some of the physical challenges these riders are living with, from neurological […]
Susan Stafford-Pooley, Horse Sport magazine’s managing editor, reports from CHI Al Shaqab in Qatar, a unique six-day event of Jumping, Dressage, Para-Dressage, Endurance and Vaulting: And so begins the saga of my second trip to Qatar for the CHI Al Shaqab show… Thanks to a mammoth snow and ice storm in Dallas, my trip was delayed by a day when 700 […]
Wake up people! It’s D-Day. Today is your last chance to register to vote on the EC Bylaws, and Thursday the 26th (yes, that’s the day after tomorrow) the last day to actually cast your vote. I voted on Friday before posting my ‘things you need to know before you vote’ blog. I voted before […]
When I received the February 10, 2015 Equine Canada announcement that my vote was being sought on new bylaws, my first thought was that I should attempt to understand what impact these bylaws would have on me individually. When I received an announcement about the bylaw vote from Horse Council BC three days later, it […]
I’m going to be spending the next couple of days working on an online article to be published later next week on Horse-Canada.com (don’t worry, I’ll be sure to put a link here on the blog as soon as it’s up so you don’t have to go hunting). The bylaws proposed by EC have caused […]
No trip to Welly World is complete until you feel like the place has run you over like an Australian road train. It’s a kind of black magic, the way the place just demands every ounce of life out of you, from the time you arrive until you fasten your seat-belt on the flight out. […]