Mr. Holler, allow me to use your own language to express my feelings: you are widerwärtig. You were invited to be a member of the ground jury at the 2015 World Cup Finals in Las Vegas, and in return for a nice all-expenses-paid trip to Sin City – where I don’t doubt you were treated like […]
Over the past couple of years, I have hammered on pretty annoyingly (to some) about the highly dubious objectivity of the FEI’s repeated use of Lord John Stevens and his company Quest in its investigations into various and sundry scandalous situations which have primarily involved Endurance. Well guess what. Turns out I had a point. […]
Just a quick post – the internet is not holding up to the enormous media traffic of tweeters, Facebook posters and bloggers like me, so I’ll just say I’m so glad I was able to get to these last two days of competition and witness the great sport between the little white fences and over […]
There are jumps in there somewhere Yesterday I had a brief chat with a German journalist who betrayed just a hint of derision at the style of delivery here in Vegas. ‘This is Vegas’, I said to him. ‘Yes, it IS Vegas,’ he replied with a faint sneer. My advice to him, should he ever […]
I’ve just discovered the cure for a belly ache. Watch Valegro. Some of you know me as a somewhat cynical, even jaded observer of equestrian sport. It continues to surprise even me that every time I see Valegro perform all the hair on my arms stands on end and I get a lump in my throat. He […]
Not having watched the GP, I’m seeing everyone for the first time today. And I have to say it’s some very impressive quality out there. All kinds of new talent too. Agnete from Denmark lit the place up early on with her delightful horse Jojo Az, but really the calibre of horse flesh and riding across the […]
So I know there are at least a few of you out there who have been wondering what’s up with me and the lack of posts these past two days. I am sorry for the silence. Believe me, it wasn’t by choice. On Monday we headed off to Valley of Fire State Park in our […]
…is going on this blog! That’s right folks, I’m Sin City-bound for the World Cup Finals this week. For those of you who can’t be here, I’ll do my best to bring you all the observations and opinionations you won’t find in the results and ‘official’ reports. This will be my fourth WC jumping and dressage final […]
I’m heading off for a little Easter break to do some overdue deep breathing of fresh air where the only sound is that of the noisy, silly flickers who are desperate for love. The post I had planned to write this week got a hole blown in it when, in a rare fit of forthrightness, the FEI […]
Well that’s that. In a wholly predictable, anyone-could-have-called-it manner, EC’s bylaws have fallen flat on their face. Again. It couldn’t be said they were voted down by a landslide. You can’t call a few pebbles a landslide. If all 1654 votes (1046 nays, 608 yays) had come from the province of BC alone, that would […]