My posts of yesterday may have given the impression that it’s all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows here at the Caledon Equestrian Park. Let me set the record straight. NO ONE is having a glitch-free time at TO2015 – not riders, spectators, media, and definitely not the staff and volunteers who are undertrained and in many […]
What a day for Brittany and All In! They left it all on the field with one of the most exciting rides we are likely to see in the small tour this week. The horse is so powerful and yet so light at the same time. It takes a lot to raise a goose bump on […] One thing I neglected to anticipate when I signed up for this gig was the fact that these Pan Am Games are taking place in my own country. I was too busy moaning about the fact that it wasn’t a tropical destination in Latin America, instead of looking forward to sitting in a stadium with […]
Way back in the Middle Ages known as the 80’s, I spent the summer as Nick Holmes-Smith’s first working slave (an affectionate term), starting at Peter Gray’s old Stonehill Farm near Orangeville before moving to Checkmate Farm near Collingwood. Aside from all the riding (of which there was plenty – thus the ironic use of ‘slave’), what I remember most […]
Many of you will have heard, seen or read the news that a Chuckwagon horse was euthanized after breaking a leg in a race at the Calgary Stampede on Sunday. In the past, I have been quite outspoken on this blog regarding the annual equine mortalities at Chuckwagon racing’s flagship event. Some of my posts attracted quite […]
On Saturday, the USEF announced that, due to a lack of international entries, the CH-Y 2* at NAJYRC next week has been cancelled. The NAJYRC Reining has been cancelled in its entirety, but as Reining has been limping along as the FEI’s least robust discipline, and the buy-in from mainstream North American reining to FEI Reining has […]
With the Pan Am Games looming a mere two weeks away, I am starting to (maybe) get excited (just a little) about my exotic adventure to Toronto. I usually prefer my Pan Ams in spicier locales, such as Rio and Guadalajara; but until I am reincarnated as a wined, dined and (dare I say) financially incentivized member […]
Did you catch the great sport at Spruce Meadows last Saturday? Two thumbs up to CBC for providing the live coverage that gave me a sneak peak at our Pan Am Show Jumping team. Not that I have any insider information on the Pan Am teams, which are being announced en masse this coming Saturday […]
When I opened the June issue of Horse Sport the other day, the very first item that caught my eye was the news that Breyer will be creating a Valegro model to be released early next year. I was immediately excited at the prospect of a Breyer Valegro. You see, Breyer and I go back a long, long […]
Here’s the biggest news of the past month that I’ll bet you never heard: Canada is out of the Furusiyya Nations Cup final in Barcelona, thanks to the sudden, eleventh hour cancellation of the qualifier at Spruce Meadows that was to have taken place in June. Why didn’t you hear it, you wonder? Because no […]