Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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MFTA (missing from the action)

A couple of mornings ago, just before I woke up, I had a dream that I was at the World Cup Final. Yellow was a pervasive colour in the dream (probably the result of a decidedly un-sunny Vancouver spring this year). In my dream Eric won the show jumping Final riding a palomino, on which […]
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Fabulous Final!

Just a quick final blog to congratulate Eric! It was an amazing feat to come from 17th place to finish second in the World Cup Final – a testament to the tremendous power and talent of this combination. I had watched most of the show from the press area in the stands which gave me […]
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Devining Dressage

Yesterday was a fairly quiet day with just Vaulting Finals (the very first World Cup for that discipline) and the Dressage Freestyle Final at night. I remain in awe of the vaulting athletes. Their grace, rhythm and courage are fun to watch. As with figure skating, the costumes are a part of the performance. Looser […]
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They changed their minds…

… the German’s have decided they like diet Coke! And regular water (not carbonated)! The same lady that told me the other day that they weren’t popular in Germany and not available for sale served me both with a smile this morning. I was thirsty. I also found fresh fruit…. The gods were smiling on […]
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Guest blog from Leipzig!

Yesterday was a very full day! As you can imagine with a horse show with so many different competitions going on, there is always something that you should be watching.  Though the national show jumping competition featured a speed class first thing in the morning, I decided to get some work done at the hotel […]
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Guest blog from Leipzig!

I’m pleased to share with you the first of a small series of guest blogs that Jennifer Anstey (publisher of this very blog) has kindly agreed to write from the World Cup Finals in Leipzig. Enjoy! After an extended stay in Paris following the Hermes show at the Grand Palais, I have arrived in Leipzig, […]
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Hot Toddy

Hot damn! The Kiwi King is back on top of the world. Not only that, he became the oldest winner in Badminton’s history, at 55. But you can read all that in the press releases and articles. I want to talk about my own visceral and emotional response to watching Badminton for the first time, […]
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The Easter Bunny is Coming

to leave something on your doorstep. It’s nothing a little soap and water won’t take care of. But seriously, I will have some Good Friday ruminations to make up for today’s rotten egg of a post. And that’s an Easter promise!    
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Politicked off

There is way too much of the ‘P’ word around these days for my taste – from the provinces to the FEI to Canadian elections – it’s all getting me down. And that was before I found out Donald Trump is running for US President.  My sense of humour has disappeared into my shoes, which […]
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Waxing nostalgic

Yesterday I wrote a tribute to the memory of BC breeder Janet Oddy, who passed away last month at the age of 81. Reading the information that her son Peter had forwarded for the article took me on a trip down Memory Lane – on the back of an Arab. I didn’t know Janet personally […]