Found 107 Results from Saddlefit 4 Life

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Saddle Balance and Wither Clearance

Further to my last two blogs concerning the rather superficial summaries on the 9 points of saddle fit and getting ready for the spring and the upcoming show season, my next couple of weeks of blogs are going to be discussion of these 9 points in much more detail. Not only what to look for […]
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The Nine Points of Saddle Fit

As we head into spring, it’s time to put our thoughts into ensuring that all of our tack and equipment will work for the upcoming training months, and for the shows we intend to compete in. Especially if your horse has been ‘laid off’ for the winter months you will need to ensure that the […]
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Saddle-Fitting: More than 9 Points to Perfection

Articles on saddle-fitting are somewhat frequently published in horse magazines, both in print, or online. The articles are usually combined with a bulleted checklist (9 points, 11 points, and so on) to see if your saddle fits. However, the most important ingredient to a successful riding recipe is that the rider understands WHY the saddle […]
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How Tree Points Impact Scapular Health

There are so many saddle companies on the market today; it seems that every month another new one is launched. Some of them seem to have ‘gotten it’ and have made some crucial design changes to truly accommodate equine anatomy as per the Saddlefit 4 Life philosophy to at least try to protect the horse […]
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Fitting Wide Horses

Happy New Year, and welcome back! I hope you all had the chance to spend some time with family and friends and your horses over the holidays and wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful 2016. One of the questions I am often asked by my female clients especially is ‘Can wide horses […]
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Looking Back on 2015

This is going to be my last communication with you before the New Year; we have been lucky enough to renew our relationship with and, as such, either I or Sabine will be continuing with the blog (we may alternate a little more going forward) in 2016! I cannot believe that we have actually […]
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Thoughts on Attending Conventions

Jochen is busy travelling all over the world again – he just got back from another course for the Berufsreiterverband (Association of Professional Trainers) in Germany at the end of November, then lectured at the Ingrid Klimke clinic in Caledon, and now is off in Florida visiting clients again until Dec. 23rd. So it fell […]
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Saddle Fitting with our Newest Team Member

I was going to write this week in response to a Q&A I read in a magazine recently “Can a Wide Backed Horse Hurt my Hips?” but I will leave that topic for a future blog, since I had to share with you the story my newest Client Success Manager Sarah Ellis (see pic!) from […]
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Saddle Fitting and Skin Issues

It’s no secret that redheads have sensitive skin. But the interesting thing is that chestnuts also have the most sensitive skin in the horse world. As everyone knows, the skin is the largest organ of the body. (Somehow this never seemed to make sense intuitively, because to me an organ is an organ, and skin […]
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A Comment on the Proper Use of Tack

I hadn’t really intended to continue in the vein of animal rights activism that I alluded to so very briefly in my last blog, but I came across the article below online and decided that it was worth translating and sharing with you all. It had only been published in German and French, but I […]