Selena Reports: Yummy Food and Fun at the Pub

Saturday was a fun day. The horses got some turnout and rest. We had yummy breakfast at Polly’s team room in Marlborough. Everyone wanted a proper English breaky. Mine was vegetarian (with vegetarian sausages) which was a first for me. They were pretty good. I was tempted by Devon clotted cream and strawberry jam on […]

Selena Reports: Exhausted But Together Again

Friday was a challenge due to being exhausted! Arrived early morning at Heathrow. Waited for my bag for ages. Was worrying because I remember I checked in seven hours prior to flight. It did finally arrive. Phew! I went out to the Costa coffee shop and met up with Max Corcoran, the team’s stable manager, […]

Selena Reports: Headed to WEG

Hmmmm I don’t love traveling, but I like arriving. Everything went smoothly today minus the torrential downpour (ONLY over Jessica’s farm). The federal vet examined Woody and the trailer this morning early at Balsam Hall (poor girls had to pressure wash and disinfect it). Woody got his Omega Alpha RegenerEQ and Gastra FX and gobbled […]

Halfway Through Summer

Time is flying by, and I am having a blast. The horses are handling the heat really well. A lot of horses often stop sweating and drinking in this heat, but all mine so far are doing great. I start riding early in the mornings and finish before the heat of the day. I’m really happy […]

Lesley’s Two Cents

This is my young horse Bounce. He just last month turned five. He has recently won an event and thus would like to put forward his declaration to Canada for the 2020 Olympic Games. He has no idea as of yet who his rider may be, as his current one threatens that he will be […]

Wholesale Exoneration of Jock Paget and Kevin McNab

There will be mixed feelings in the eventing community regarding the wholesale exoneration of Jock Paget and Kevin McNab for their reserpine doping offences at Burghley 2013. Many people will be feeling terrible that the pair were grounded for so long, their reputations on knife-edge, all for nothing after the supplier of the herbal supplement […]

Getting Ready for WEG

OK, Great Meadows is over, all things being equal, Woody will be getting on his flight to Europe on the eventing of the twelfth of August. Phew. It seems like it should be easy to blog on the lead up to such events, but in actual fact the process itself is not only tense but […]

On the Road and Back and Back Again

I have received the friendly ‘push’ that my blog here is past due. I have a good defense. I have been a smidge busy. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, my childhood was filled with dreams of an Equestrian Career highlighted with bedazzled equine clothing, jet set horse shows, shinning mounts and glamorous evenings. […]

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy Florida

Everyone is always telling me they don’t stay in Florida for the spring/summer because it’s too hot, but it’s not that bad at all, little humid but every afternoon you can count on thunderstorms and rain and when it rains its pours! Poor Oslo thinks he is going to have a heart attack after every […]

June 14, 2014

Today Jordan McDonald died. Today Jordan McDonald died after a rotational fall on cross country leaving behind, amongst others, a wife, Shandiss, who had been his sweetheart since the time they were teens. I met Jordan over 10 years ago in Florida, when he and Shandiss were working students for Peter Gray, where I rented […]