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Did They Really Mean to Say That?

I am loathe to hark back to the good old days when print media was the only form of equestrian sports reportage. Before the internet, readers didn’t mind waiting a few days, even weeks, to read about who had won what and how. This gave journalists time to write a more considered retrospective and to […]
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Saying Good-Bye to the Horse of a Lifetime

I put down my dream horse last week. As I write this I have a constant voice in the back of my head muttering, “What kind of narcissist are you that you think people want to read about your story; your horse?” And that’s true. I know you all have your own stories, and certainly […]
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Schleese Celebrates 30 Years of Success

This is perfect timing – this blog will be appearing the day we begin our 30th year in business. I still have the very first dollar I made (back before there were loonie coins!) hanging in my reception area, and can look back with pride over what we have accomplished since coming over to Canada […]
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Feeling Connected

It’s summer heat with high humidity in Wellington. Thank goodness for having a covered arena to not only escape the direct sun, but also the very heavy rain squalls and lightning. Since bringing Vitall back to full focus with a renewed work ethic, we put our practice sessions to the test by competing in a […]
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The Pan Ams are Coming!

Given that the Games are officially starting this weekend, I thought it would be a timely topic for the weekly blog. I understand that they are still thinking about who the flag bearer should be and that Ian Millar is in the final running – I hope they give it to him; no one has […]
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FEI Tribunal Exposing Truth and Lies in Endurance

The 27-month FEI suspension on a virtually unknown Qatari endurance rider Nasser Khalifa NJ Al Thani received a lot of media coverage recently. There is nothing new, of course, about an endurance rider from Group 7 (Middle East) being banned for doping, but the reason it is now News with a capital N is simple: […]
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Fitting Truly Custom Saddles

What does “custom” really mean? What does “quality” entail? I have to say that one of our competitors in the North American market – the company which uses the concept of ‘custom saddles’ eponymously – was absolutely brilliant in its choice of name. When people talk about their custom saddles you never know whether they […]
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Eventing or Triathlon? Sorry Folks, They are Simply Not the Same.

To those of us locked in the debating chamber in Lausanne six weeks ago, it seemed like the end of the world was coming, as drastic changes to the Olympic formats were discussed at the FEI Sports Forum. But if you are out in the field actually doing the riding, and are not one of […]
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Saddle Fit for the Heavier Rider

At the risk of offending any our readers, this is a topic which does need to be addressed, in all honesty. I am not trying to insult anyone here, since the issue of proper saddle fit is not by any means limited to heavier riders – all riders and all horses can and will benefit […]
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Superstition Has Its Way…

I thought this was a really interesting topic so I thought I would add my two cents worth in a blog. Jochen has deferred to me for this week and allowed me a presence, especially because one of the stories is actually about him and it is better told in the third person. I find […]