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Selena Reports on Three Lakes

After working the horses this a.m., Anne Marie and I went to watch the new event near Orlando called Three Lakes, it runs Beginner Novice – Preliminary. Here are some shots from the event. The first thing we saw was a picturesque cross country warm up in front of a lake. The start box is near […]
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Busy, Rain or Snow

Everybody got ridden in Florida today although ‘rain stopped play’ for a while. Still, it’s really hard to worry about a bit of rain when you are dealing with snow. They all did a light flat work, gradually bringing stiff muscles back into shape after the long two days of standing still. Nobody was complaining […]
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They Made It

The Florida horses had turnout and sunshine today after two days on the road. Everyone drinking, everyone eating and, most important, everyone pooping as normal. It doesn’t matter how many times we take our horses out on the road, I am always aware of what a strain it is on the horses to be shut […]
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On the Way to Chesterland

I’m writing this from the passenger seat as Selena drives through North Carolina. We left home right on time yesterday morning, and were out-running the snow storm, until a delay at customs let it catch up with us. We have four horses on board: Foxwood High, Zephyr, Rather Boldly and Thunderstruck as well as co-navigators […]
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Hitting the Road

Well here we were this morning, still packing in the dark… Yes, we did stop and sleep, but not for long. The four horses, two dogs and two ladies pulled out the driveway at 7:30 a.m. Ahead of the snow squalls and on time. Of course, that didn’t last long…when they got to the border […]
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How Tree Points Impact Scapular Health

There are so many saddle companies on the market today; it seems that every month another new one is launched. Some of them seem to have ‘gotten it’ and have made some crucial design changes to truly accommodate equine anatomy as per the Saddlefit 4 Life philosophy to at least try to protect the horse […]
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Jigsaw Puzzle Packing

Like most barns, Monday is our day off. Not so much this Monday! The last of the physical packing is getting done. First off Anne Marie took the trailer to the feed merchant and loaded up with half a ton of Purina Trimax. It seemed easier to take the trailer straight there then it doesn’t […]
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Bulking Up

Today is has poured from morning to evening. It’s absurd weather for mid-January and tonight it is meant to freeze. Turnout is much more difficult than it would be in normal snowy conditions. The horses are having to make do with indoor arena turnout and work. I am impressed with the speed the OTTBs are […]
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Freaky Weather

It’s the ninth of January and it’s seven degrees outside and raining. It sounds like tomorrow is going to be wind and rain again and then it’s going to freeze….oh joy! Still, it beats last year by a long shot! It’s hard to tell what day the horses will get away. Originally this rain was […]