This is pretty much a regurgitation of an insert to an article which appeared in Horse Sport early in 2015 concerning the very troubling occurrence of kissing spine in horses. I was prompted to repost this as I have recently come across an inordinate amount of horses where this issue occurred and was, of course, […]
The World Cup Finals in dressage and jumping have just finished. The show jumping was a spectacular competition, won by the defending title who is also the current Olympic Champion, with two other former World Cup champions in third and fourth, so no lack of quality as well as excitement. The dressage was a triumph […]
Eventing has been the poor relation of the Olympic disciplines pretty much since horse sport was included in the Games, but suddenly two schemes have been announced in the UK, and one in the USA that might change all that. All of them have large prize funds, unheard of in eventing so far, and all […]
Can’t believe I have been in Wellington for three years. Feels like yesterday I left Europe. Palm Beach Equine has been my home for the last two years with the horses. It is walking distance to Global Dressage Show grounds – we just cross the street walk along the canal and we are there. Same […]
Things have a way of going wrong at the most inconvenient times. Today Selena had an appointment (made almost a week ago) to go in and get her shipping papers back. When she took them the first time it turned out the vets had put today’s date on them and the USDA won’t stamp them […]
Sammy was a star. He rather clambered over one fence because there was ‘mud’ on the other side and he really wasn’t sure about ‘mud.’ However Selena had been expecting it. If you remember, he had looked at the mud when she was schooling him at Longwood last week, so when she walked the course […]
Do you find small furry animals get dropped off around your barn? At our last barn we once found a kitten out in the middle of the fields miles from anyone or any buildings. It most certainly didn’t seem feral as it was very keen to come home with us on the back of a […]
The UAE was reinstated after signing a legally binding agreement to do better. This was promptly forgotten in the 2015-2016 winter season.
April Fools Day and we got caught as ‘fools’ unintentionally. Today Derg Boru did his dressage and stadium in the Intermediate division at Rocking Horse. His owner Megan Woods was unable to ride him as planned and Selena was given the ride in her place. She phoned the organizers and gave them the updated information, […]
Today I have to get papers from vet’s office to ship everyone home. The winter fun is drawing to a close. This weekend is the last Florida horse show and then next week we leave for The Fork and we don’t turn South again. I need to get hay, grain and vet wrap for our […]