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A Special Client

This is a story about a couple of very special clients. The first young lady was recently seen by Natalie, one of our top saddle ergonomists and fit technicians in Grande Prairie, Alberta. Aly Keay is a very inspirational and wonderful young lady (perhaps around 20 years old) who has cerebral palsy. She rides a […]
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Here and Gone in a Blur

I have Selena here for just today. It is not long enough to hear all her news and recaps of the season’s competitions. The phone just isn’t the same as getting the ‘blow by blow’ of each cross country course from the rider in person. We watched video of the Carolina Horse Trials cross country […]
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Dedicated Followers of Fashion

It has been a big week in horse sport. Mainly because the FEI held their annual forum to discuss pertinent matters with representatives from their stake holders and afterwards held a Bureau meeting to vote on matters, rules and policy changes once they had had that input. As the three-man Olympic team thing is now […]
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They’re Back

Today I went to hear Jane Goodall speak. I have always been a fan, but I must admit she was even more impressive than I expected. A small quiet spoken lady of 82 years of age, she is indomitable in spirit. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you Wendy Waller and Susan Morgan for taking me. […]
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Wonderful Cross Country

All the horses were absolutely wonderful cross country. We could not have asked for more. Kelly Damp’s lovely horse Zephyr started the day with a double clear and fairly flew around for Selena, jumping with enthusiasm and really enjoying himself. It’s a great feeling when you are out there on horses that really want to […]
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Not Without Incident

Everybody show jumped really well, but the day was not without incident. Is any eventer’s day ever without incident? First off was Kelly Damp’s ‘Zephyr’ who is fighting fit for cross country and rampaged his way around the show jumping. It’s great to see him so keen to do his job, but sadly his enthusiasm […]
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Biting Cold

Today we had snow again. SNOW, what is with that? My family who are visiting from England are freezing, and I feel the need to continuously make apologies for the weather. Our horse that is preping for Plantation next week is having to do his gallops in a biting cold wind. It doesn’t affect his […]
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Proud of Derg Boru

Today was dressage day for all three boys. Derg Boru went first in the two star and Selena phoned me right after the test to give me the low down. She said he was lazy and he had broken in the counter canter, but that the test was better than the last one. At the […]
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Come On April!

Another day another snowstorm! Come on April, you can do better than this. When we had 13 degree a couple of weeks ago. I envisaged April sunshine, small flowers and thinking about cutting grass, not this. I have family arriving from Europe today; they are going to be horrified. Our veteran resident, The Main Man […]
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The Gift of a Lesson with Bruce

The last little bit of Florida has just been a blur of packing trying to get everything and everyone organized to go to the fork, Pennsylvania and home to Canada! If we were just going straight home it would be easy just stuff it all in, but trying to have things in the right order […]