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Rocky Road to Rio

Before they even arrive, the “Road to Rio” has been a tumultuous one for some Canadian athletes with appeals launched in two different disciplines. Jessica Phoenix appealed and won her case where the judge remarked that coach Clayton Fredericks had “lost it.” The judge also commented that EC also failed Phoenix when they did not do […]
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Saying My Piece on the Canadian Eventing Thing

I guess I am expected to blog about the goings on of Eventing Canada (sigh). Actually they really wanted me to blog about it last year after the Pan Am amazement, but I’ve been putting it off (clearly, a year of procrastinating). It’s just that primarily I care to write about what I feel passionate […]
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Inspiring Horsemen: T. Paul Buhlman and GoldMark Farms

My Saddlefit 4 Life colleague Cathy Rothery is taking you inside the gates of GoldMark Farm, to meet Paul Bulmahn, owner of GoldMark Farms – the sophisticated, world-class training facility for thoroughbreds nestled in the rolling hills and shade of ancient oak trees near Ocala. Mr. Bulmahn personally welcomed AHP members and escorted us to […]
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Injury Recovery and Body Maintenance Therapies

In our sport, injuries do occur. Also chronic pain and joint problems from repetitive wear and tear on our bodies is commonplace. Treatment of injuries or pain and preventative maintenance programs are critical in maintaining our health and minimizing training downtime. Ongoing active exercise programs are ideal to build fitness suitable for a riding lifestyle. […]
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Reporting from Italy

Jochen and I were just in Italy for a short vacation and travelling through Tuscany on our way to Agropoli on the Amalfi coast where our daughters were attending a dance workshop and performing. Jochen is presently in Germany teaching a refresher saddle ergonomics course, and has asked me to take over this week’s blog […]
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Caring Horsemen: Mark Miller

I have invited my Saddlefit 4 Life colleague Cathy Rothery to introduce two inspiring horsemen she met last month while attending the 2016 American Horse Publications conference in Orlando. Thank you for sharing your visits with these outstanding equine professionals. While attending the annual AHP conference, our gracious hosts Chris Brune and Judy Lincoln arranged […]
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Saddle Fit and “Shorties”

We’ve discussed saddle fit for the heavier rider in a previous blog, but I have recently been asked several times about what issues to consider for the extra tall or extra short rider, who both seem to have troubles finding saddles to fit properly. Obviously there are considerations for all body types, male or female, […]
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Why Don’t More Boys Ride Dressage?

It’s always interesting to take a few moments when I’m working at a horse show to check out the competition. I mean the real competition – the riders who have trained long and hard and are now showing off their skills in the ring. Especially in dressage shows, but also at the lower level hunter/jumper […]
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Saddle Fit and Common Misperceptions

I have to comment on a couple of articles which recently appeared in various other equine media and gave cause for reflection. The first one was about weekend warriors and trying to avoid battles during your horse time. According to the dictionary, this phrase came into being in 1981 to reflect the average person’s increasingly […]
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No Scale? No Problem

There have been a number of articles appearing in various publications recently about rider fitness and how to get back in shape if you’ve taken the winter off. Of course, getting your horse back in shape is part of the equation, but how do you even know how fit or out-of-shape he is? What is […]