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Protest Properly and You Will be Heard

It’s four years since I began following the endurance scandals in detail, and during that time I have encountered several frustrations for legal reasons: sometimes when I have heard about something truly shocking, the FEI statute of limitations, or need for any protest to be brought by an official, has saved the perpetrator from censure. […]
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Apprenticeships in the Equestrian Industry

It’s that time of year again when school has begun for students of all ages. From the moment students enter high school, emphasis is placed on achieving high grades to prepare for post-secondary education. The reality is only 18 per cent of students, less than one in five, who enter Grade 9 will go on […]
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Guided Towards Disaster?

This week I was going to write about something else but another event rider has lost their life and the subject cannot be ignored. People defending the current state of eventing will tell you that no more people are dying now than thirty years ago which, statistically, is correct. But as usual with those sort […]
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Why is Eventing Gold Eluding the Brits?

When will the British eventing team win gold again? This has been niggling at me for some while and, it seems, worrying the elder statesmen of our sport, for whom it was quite a topic during Burghley. Rio was the first time since 1996 that Britain has returned from the Olympics without a team or […]
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Equine Anatomy: Attending a Dissection Clinic

One of the things on my bucket list has been to attend an equine dissection course in anatomy at the University of Guelph. Unfortunately, every time it was offered in the last couple of years I have been away at a speaking engagement and so I missed out. However, a colleague of mine in Pennsylvania […]
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Judges are Judges and Vets are Vets…..?

I wrote a piece after WEG 2010 that was in part responsible for changing certain FEI rules regarding welfare and conduct of officials so forgive me for thinking we had sorted out who was who and which official was responsible for which task. Last time in this blog, I also wondered if preventing abuse had […]
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Summer’s Over…

Hello all. I am writing this week’s blog because quite frankly Jochen is suffering from writer’s block and to tell the truth, I’m not much better. August has been an absolutely crazy busy month for us – beginning with our daughter Samantha getting married to her long-time love Jordan Rothery. (The “Schlotherys” as she says.) […]
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The Philosophy of Saddle Fitting

Q1 – Why has saddle fitting become such a mainstream issue in the last few years? Q2 – Who says it’s so important? Q3 – What is the logic behind it? It’s only common sense – from the recreational to the Olympic rider, it is an important element in the health and well-being of your […]
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A Western Dressage Judge’s and Trainer’s Perspective

Anna Schriebl is an NAWD Licensed Judge, as well as a Western dressage and traditional dressage trainer. She and her husband, Marty, operate Patriot Farm LLC in Ivor, Virginia. “Ribbons, scores, end-of-year competition awards—oh my! This can sometimes become the Holy Grail of riders and trainers. Any instructor or judge that tells them they are […]