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The Ultimate Fix?

I realize we live in a world of instant gratification, feelings of entitlement, fast fixes, and throwing out of consumables rather than making the necessary adjustments/repairs to make things work. I get it – it’s simply a sign of the times; a worldwide mentality. At least in the so-called civilized countries – but especially perhaps […]
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Invisible Horses, Visible Abuse

As well as writing for this publication, I edit the English language website for of a European-based equestrian media outlet. It is primarily about equestrian sports news. Much of the content comes to me from Europe and not always in English, so sometimes it takes a bit of time to establish exactly what the news […]
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When the Saddle Doesn’t Fit

In my book Suffering in Silence – the Saddle Fit Link to Physical and Psychological Trauma in Horses, Dr. Carol Vischer DVM (certified in acupuncture and spinal manipulation) contributed an article The Horse’s Skin is a Good Indicator of Pain. Dr. Vischer states: “I hope through education, more owners become cognizant of the damage that inevitably […]
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Why Yellow Cards Need a Stronger Hue

In my last blog, I discussed whether it’s time to introduce a more detailed rider demerit system for rule-breaches in eventing. Or indeed, any sport. This followed the latest bout of social media angst over another alleged blood-in-mouth incident, and the invidiousness of the FEI yellow warning card, which, in eventing, is used to punish […]
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The Cost of Care

Let’s face it. Riding is a very expensive pastime. Although there are some beautiful horses being practically given away for maybe a couple hundred dollars of adoption fees, the day-to-day and occasional costs can add up substantially. Although some of these may be mitigated by your personal circumstances, somebody has to cover these expenses. To […]
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I Just Know It’s True

So I’ve been a bit remiss in my writing recently… too much going on in this thing called ‘life’ for my liking right now to be honest. So having been nudged politely to write from my friends here at, I tried to pull something intellectual, deep and relevant out of my brain but have […]
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Art For Our Sake

I had something else in mind for the subject of my latest blog after two more endurance fatalities and controversy (again!) over the appearance of blood on a Marilyn Little ridden event horse, but frankly I am beginning to tire of opening equestrian news sites and seeing more depressing reports of cruelty or abuse, so […]
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And The Hits Just Keep on Coming…

It may have been staged three weeks ago, but unsavoury matter is still rising out of the effluence of the world endurance championships at Samorin.
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Saddle Fit and the Various Disciplines

The question was put to me recently whether or not it was “harmful” or “wrong” to jump in your dressage saddle or do dressage in your jumping saddle. Theoretically at least – presuming that these are not necessarily regular activities but rather just ‘one-off’ activities – there should be no problem with no real long-reaching […]
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Ancient History Affecting Modern Horses

Recently I spent an afternoon in the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Amongst other things there are various pieces of equestrian apparel including some 16th and 17th century bits. Those are real horror stories looking at them from the enlightened 21st century, although the workmanship is quite staggering, particularly when looking at the mass production of […]