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Shut it Down. Right Now.

If you want a glimmer of understanding about what officials are up against in UAE endurance, watch this interview during a FEI ride.
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What to Watch for When Buying a Saddle

This being the Christmas season with presumably at least some riders hoping for a saddle under the tree I thought it would be worth repeating some key points I have previously touched on. In essence you may use the “9 points of saddle fit as a guide”, but here are a few extra pointers. The […]
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Still a Bit Leery About What Happened at Lier…

In dressage, everyone has a personal opinion on the rights and wrongs of judging being a matter of personal opinion. But there is a limit, as we are reminded with the recent dismissal of the appeals of Ukrainians Iryna Shulga and Maria Dzhumadzuk against their three-month suspensions for “nationalistic” judging at Lier in Belgium from […]
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Thankful for our Horses

I’d like to share with you what I recently wrote for one of the US publications I submit to, because I feel it warrants repeating. In this season of being thankful (the recent US Thanksgiving holiday, and our upcoming Christmas celebrations), let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the horses we’ve loved and learned […]
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Too Little, Too Late to Save the ‘Final Four’

Lots of people must think working in the equestrian media is very glamorous. You certainly go to events in lovely places and meet your idols on a regular basis. The reality is also incredibly long hours sorting through acres of photos and posting stuff every few minutes on social media while trying to write considered, […]
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My Favourite Things…

The holidays are coming fast and with it the time for giving! So I thought I would use this month’s blog to chat about some of my most favourite things and perhaps give some of you gift ideas to get for your loved ones or put on the list to hand to your husband, wife, […]
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Looking at the Greats

Last weekend 16-year-old Taloubet Z won another World Cup qualifier in Germany and in England a racehorse called Cue Card won his third Grade One Bet Fair Chase. Both are outstanding horses in their disciplines and no doubt in various news reports words like “great” and “legend” were used freely when describing them; legitimately, as […]
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Musings of an Olympic Dressage Judge

This past week Schleese Saddlery along with Saddlefit 4 Life had the pleasure and honor of hosting well-known Olympic 5* Dressage Judge, US team member and former US dressage coach Anne Gribbons at our facility in Holland Landing. Anne is going to be working with Schleese to design a new dressage saddle and totally believes […]
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Universality – Laudable but Horse-unfriendly

It was a shame the FEI did not live-stream Monday’s final debate on the controversial Olympic format changes, held at its General Assembly in Tokyo. I don’t think, though, that anything said would have changed many voters’ minds prior to Tuesday’s landslide. The controversial three-to-a-team, no drop-score formula was always going to be approved, because […]