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12th in First Prelim!

Solo was wonderful at his first Prelim and is going from strength to strength.  Even with a rail he finished 12th, and his cross country was superb! It’s so nice to hear people say “What a beautiful horse” and ask us how he is bred and where he came from.  Everywhere he goes he is […]
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Notes from the Dancing DQ World

Warning: The material contained in today’s blog is rated DQ (that would be Dressage Queen, not Dairy Queen) I have just recently (this morning in fact) been apprised of the tremendous judging gaff that occurred at the WC qualifier in Mechelen, when Anky rode Painted Black not to her freestyle music, but to what she […]
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A Few Thoughts Closer to Home

Just in case some of you out there think I am not paying enough attention to the home front, let me draw your attention to a few things going on around here. After all, even Obama paid attention to Canada last week. Horse Life, for young eyes only Equine Canada has finally crawled into the […]
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First Show of the Year

Solo did his first competition of the year today.  He did the open training division of the Rocking Horse Advanced HT which ran today.  He was still showing attitude through the week and Selena was discouraged that she was not getting all she felt the horse has to give.  She had talked to Bruce yesterday […]
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Back from the Frozen South!

Well, so much for warming up in Florida. Yowza was it cold! It was one degree Celsius on Thursday morning – minus 4 with wind chill. I know they aren’t used to that kind of weather in the orange grove, but for cripes’ sake can’t someone turn off the sprinkler systems when it is close […]
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Solo Does Boot Camp with Bruce – part four

The next day turned out to be wet…very wet.  The rain came down in torrents and working the horses was a misery.  They all hacked out and that was the end of their day.   At 2pm the following day, Solo and Selena were ready to go for round two at Bruce’s.  Solo was a […]
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Solo Does Boot Camp with Bruce – part three

Next day, 2pm exactly (Bruce is a stickler for time keeping) we were ready with a less than enthusiastic Solo who had an “oh no, not this again” look on his face.  But today he was to be ridden by Selena.  No jumping, since he had done that the day before, but all the same […]
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Solo Does Boot Camp with Bruce – part two

I forewarned Bruce and told him about the horse’s checkered performance.  Of course he knew the horse I meant and had seen him be naughty in the jumping field one day with Selena, but Solo had always managed to be pretty angelic when Bruce was in his immediate vicinity.  I told Bruce about the horse […]
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Solo Does Boot Camp with Bruce – part one

Taking Solo to Bruce Davidson and asking for his help has always been an option. Bruce Davidson has been a coach, mentor and role model for Selena since she started having lessons with him at age nine. Bruce is a tough, no nonsense trainer – it’s sink or swim, nobody is ever rough but the horse is […]
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Coming to you from the Sunny Skies of South Florida

Anky Reins Supreme! AnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnky…etc Its name is the Exquis World Dressage Masters, but it might as well be called the Anky Masters. Honestly, the organizers could not have milked that poor woman any harder. It wasn’t enough that she was the headliner of the competition; she also gave a special clinic under the lights on […]