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Greeted by a Parade

I had quite the arrival in Sweden. I met my Dad In London and flew with him to Copenhagen. Then we dragged my bags down to the train station and caught the train into Sweden a 40 min journey. I dragged my 2 huge bags off the train and down the escalators, then my dad got […]
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We Three

Hi, my name is Alexandra Duncan, I’m 19 years-old and live in West Vancouver, B.C. I have been riding since I was 3 years-old on a lunge line and running around on my stick horse. When I was 6 years-old I rode in my first dressage show in Victoria in the BC Championships – I […]
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The Kettle is Black…and it’s Boiling

Please excuse the forthcoming expletive, but a truck load of German shit has hit the proverbial fan. Thursday was quite a day in the ongoing doping drama. An item hit my inbox that morning which got my immediate attention. It was an FEI press release titled “FEI suspends Hanfried Haring, former Secretary General of German […]
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Glen Oro Here We Come

Solo is looking and feeling good.  He is living out at night with his buddy ‘Dudley Do Right’ and comes in during the day to be worked.  The bugs have been low and the weather has been mostly fine, all the horses are thriving but Solo seems to be thriving more than most!  He is […]
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Canada, first out of the gate?

It seems incredible, but since I can’t find any WEG team selection criteria on the USET’s unfriendly site (or anywhere else using Almighty Google), it looks like Canada is nicely on top of the game, at least where dressage is concerned. The WEG selection criteria are already there for the world to see on the […]
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Dead Air, Drugs and Dancing birds

After all the excitement (and tragedy) at Vegas and then Rolex the next week, it’s pretty quiet out there in the public domain of equestrian sport – unless you are either UK-based or rich and freewheeling enough to have attended Badminton this weekend. I of course do have a few things to share with you, […]
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Still Opinionated

Solo has been steadily improving in all aspects of his work.  It’s not that he has suddenly become an angel and never stands up and waves to the crowd, it’s more that he and Selena both know that it’s a waste of time now, more out of habit and for effect, rather than his really […]
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Adios, Sin City

With this post I bid farewell to the Vegas experience, not only for this year, but probably for the indefinite future. WC show jumping has been awarded to European venues through 2013. I think it highly unlikely that Vegas would bid for dressage only when they have so successfully doubled their money by hosting the […]
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I’ve been Duped by a Hunk

If you read my post about the comment that was left on my WC freestyle entry (The Roof is off the T&M), then please read the following. If you never saw it, then I’m glad  because I am not very happy about what happened. The person named Hunk who is posting comments to this blog has […]
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I’m not done with Vegas yet!

Don’t worry, I am far from finished talking about the WC. There is still jumping to discuss, especially the irony of Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum looking all misty in a cowboy hat while the German anthem played on her home soil of the USA. Check in later this week as I fulminate some more….