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Busy Week at Tullstrop

I had my first Swedish “Mid Summer” celebration. We had a big BBQ and played some “Swedish games”, it was certainly a different experience but a lot of fun! Jan has come back from France so today he did an elvaluation of me and my horse. Jan likes to observe horses and riders and watch their personalities and […]
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Totally Edward

In DQ land, there is only one topic right now: Edward and Totilas. I’m at the Blainville CDIs and the judges here just can’t shut up about the fabulous 9 year old who has shot like a space shuttle into stratospheric scores. I must confess that until he won the Dutch championships a couple of […]
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Schedule and routine are now under way…

I had my meeting with Jan yesterday and we worked out a plan. I am going to be working from 8-11 am helping warm-up horses, grooming etc. and then I have a lesson and lunch/free time. Then I work again at 4:30-6pm to do evening barn chores, bring horses in, etc. Yesterday the Swedish team horse […]
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Well Behaved in Bromont

Solo was SO well behaved at his first FEI event that he was unrecognisable.  We arrived on the Wednesday around mid day.  Selena tacked up Solo while I laid 8 bags of shavings into the stall provided – I mention this because when we moved Solo we had to buy more shavings and it is […]
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Off to La Belle Province

Later this week I’ll be posting every couple of days from Canada’s biggest DQ gig, the back-to-back CDIs in Blainville, Quebec, where I will meet and clink glasses with none other than Cees Slings, Holland’s King of the Freestyle and creator of the futuristic freestyle judging device. My cliff-hangers from last week will be divulged as […]
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Back in Tullstorp

After 12 hours of travelling and sitting in airports, I finally made it back to Tullstorp. Let’s just say it is a far cry from the Greek sun here – it’s cold and rainy. Good thing I am from Vancouver and used to it! (The pictures are from when I first arrived before I left […]
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Next Stop, Bromont

Glen Oro and Ottawa are behind us and we leave for Bromont in about an hour. Glen Oro was good.  He was a bit spooked in the dressage ring (as usual) and didn’t do as good a dressage as the week before but no big arguments, just spooking and being silly every chance he gets….sigh.  […]
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It was a 5:30 am start to my Journey to Athens and a 3 hour plane ride of watching movies and listening to music… waiting patiently to arrive to the glorious sunshine and warmth of the beach and the sand on my feet. This trip to London and Athens has meant a lot to me […]
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Battle of the Titans, Part the Second

Oh my! Things are rapidly going from bad to perplexing in the Germany vs. FEI s-i-t-u-a-t-i-o-n. Press releases issued by Mission Control this week reveal a couple of new head scratchers. The FEI Tribunal issued its decision regarding the FEI Bureau’s request for temporary suspension of Marco Kutscher, FEI Bureau member Hanfried Haring and recently […]