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Has everyone completely lost their marbles? The troops are rallying behind Isabell and I am baffled. The IDRC refused to accept her letter of resignation…the former German chef d’equipe says there should be a ‘special rule’ for Isabell…even HRH has suggested (according to the open letter sent out by the riders’ clubs and FEI Athletes’ […]
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Be Specific

Just a note about my previous blog: in reference to the “bar” – that’s what we call our kitchen/hang out area. The temperature has dropped a fair bit compared to last week. We all have sweaters and rain coats on as it’s been raining off and on for a few days now. Thankfully I am […]
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Oslo mishaps over the weekend

I was watching a movie in the bar the other night and left Oslo in my room. I had a bottle of Melatonin sleeping pills in the room and when I came back Oslo had eaten half the bottle!!! I had to phone my mom and get her to call the vet and ask what to do. […]
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My day started like any other typical morning all Tullstorp. I was busy cleaning the feed bins waiting for Jan to finish riding one of the horses so I could use the saddle on Biggles. Melanie had been walking Briar and then she came running into the barn with him yelling at me to get on him!  She […]
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We have had really hot weather then, out of nowhere, we have a crashing thunder storm with heavy, heavy rain. The two barn managers had left with Jan to meet one of the stallion owners and the rest of us were all done for the night. The rain was so heavy though it flooded the […]
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Hello…anybody home?

  What is with Mission Control, anyway? The complete absence of press releases on Isabell Werth’s, and now Michael Whitaker’s, drug busts, led me to believe they are all on summer vacation; except Switzerland’s national day isn’t until August first. I know there must be someone rattling around HQ, because a video message from HRH […]
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The Wet and the Dry at Blainville

I’m glad I made the long haul east to Montreal this year, even though the weather during the Blainville CDIs is always a grab bag of hot, humid, wet and downright stormy. I got to meet Cees Slings, though I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams how would turn out. I found him […]
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Yes I Do!

It has been really HOT here the past few days. I was reading on the deck on my lunch break and now I am bronzed/red on only one side as I didn’t even think of the sun while reading so now I am two toned. We found a lake 15 min away from Tullstrop. It’s […]
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Watching & Learning

Watching the Kyra clinic was fantastic. She got on one of Jan’s Stallions and I couldn’t believe how she used her seat and legs. She has so much power, it is truly inspiring to watch her make everything look so effortless. All the riders that were here for the clinic were very nice. We had a very […]
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Shiver Me Timbers!

Just when I thought I was finally going to get a chance to talk about the Blainville CDIs – where I am writing this from, for heaven’s sake – Isabell went and got herself busted. I can already hear the crashing sound of myths shattering around the globe. The news of Isabell’s horse Whisper testing […]