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Season over?

Solo is supposedly finished competing for this year unless some dressage shows turn up.  He was amazing at Wit’s End in his second CCI* this year and moved up a place from his Bromont finish to take fourth.  Selena was thrilled with him.  He finished the whole week on his dressage score.  There were only […]
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Love eventers, can’t stand mules

Having been retired from eventing these past dozen years, I had forgotten how much fun the people are at horse trials. I went out to the Campbell Valley Horse Trials (near Vancouver) on Friday with a full cooler and a pillow on the bed in my van. When I reluctantly headed home Saturday evening, the […]
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Way out West

This weekend was one big party! We had a big barn bbq friday night then went to the bar in town because it was closing for the next month for renovations. Everyone had a great time dancing and drinking ’till 2 am. Needless to say, we were all a little tired starting work the next morning… I had […]
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Jan has been away this week at two different competitions. Sara was competing at the Europeans and Jan also had a young stallion participating in the World Young Horse championships. Both did well! Sara placed in the top 10 out of 60 and the stallion placed 3rd in the B group. Tough, tough competion this […]
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One Year Ago Today

It is almost exactly a year ago that I arose from my China-sized guesthouse bed at the brutal hour of 4 am and made my way to the train station for a bleary eyed ride to the cross country course at Beas River. It was the shortest Olympic cross country course in history, not much […]
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Dressage Canada Fun Facts: Did you know…

… that the Dressage Canada Board dismissed the entire Senior High Performance Committee in July? Not surprisingly, they haven’t gone out of their way to convey this shocking news to their members, though if you go to the relevant page on the DC website, under “Committee Members” there is a black dot where there used […]
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New Girth

Briars retirement is off to a good start, he got turned out in a paddock today for the first time in 15 years. He wasn’t quite sure what to do at first, he stood in the middle looked around took a couple steps and then decided to start bucking! Acting like a 3 year-old again, it […]
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Danish National Championships

On Sunday my parents and I drove to Denmark to watch the Danish National Championships at the Danish Castle. It was standing room only and the Danish Royal family were in attendance watching their daughter Princess Nathalie ride the Grand Prix. The Royals were front and centre in the video of the VIP seating. Her Royal […]
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Solo is to die for.  I know he is a bad boy, I know he argues when he shouldn’t, I know he should not wave to the crowd when he is at a show… but… he is the most breathtakingly beautiful animal and he is SO clever and articulate about his wants and likes, and […]
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For Your Viewing Pleasure

It’s been a very busy week with everyone gone and lots of work to get done. I have been riding 4-5 horses a day which has been tons of fun. It’s been really nice having my parents here and my mom has fallen in love with the barn.  We went up the coast just past Malmo […]