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The past couple lessons have gone great and I’m enjoying every minute of learning lots of new little techniques. I really like how Anky stops you and breaks everything down and makes sure that you understand what it is you’re doing. For example, Vitall, as I’ve mentioned before, gets very strong on the left. Every […]
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More to Blog About

Solo and two of his barn mates went to Rocking Horse Schooling Event on the weekend.  Solo was a star, he did two dressage tests and was 1st and 2nd with a 27 something and a 28 something.  FINALLY, first place after dressage.  It has been a long time coming.  No arguing, no spooking, no […]
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Balance and Inspiration

It’s all about the basics. The basics are what is difficult in dressage. Once you know your basics you move up but in so doing we tend to forget about the “basics”, even though they’re the back bone of every excersise. The second any excersise becomes difficult, sit back and go back to the beginning. That’s what I have […]
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                A day with the big guns. Today Anky’s was very busy. Patrick Kittle was training with Scandic and later this afternoon Hans Peter came with Nadine and one other horse not sure who it was. I ended up sharing my lesson with Hans Peter which was kinda cool. […]
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Karen’s Crystal Ball for 2010

Before I go blabbing about my predictions for the next year, I want to make it clear that by no means am I a reliable fortune teller. I am also no gambler (been to Vegas five times and never once even put a coin in a slot machine), so these anticipations of things that may […]
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It was a very long drive. The weather was good and it didn’t snow much, just a tiny bit in Denmark. Vitall was really good on the ferry from Denmark to Germany. He was traveling backwards and had lots of space to put his head down and stretch his neck. He just munched his hay the entire […]
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I just got back from visiting Solo in Ocala.  Boy, he has a nice life.  As soon as it gets just a little bit too cold and the ground is too icy, he and his buddies head south.  This time he shipped really well.  If you remember, the first few long hauls he did made […]
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New Adventure

I have spent the last few days packing up because I have decided to go and work with Anky and Sjef for a bit. The Dutch have the winning system and I want to learn what its all about and get in on there secrets. I have loved my time at Jan’s and I have […]
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Hello 2010!

Happy new year everyone. I hope you welcomed in this second decade of the third millennium in the style that best suits your individual tastes. My blog on continues into 2010, which promises to be an exciting year with WEG finally to take place on the west side of the Atlantic for the first […]
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I’ve had a great two weeks at home. Couldn’t have asked for a better trip. We had a nice Christmas dinner, my little nephew dove into the turkey! I was completely stuffed after dinner and definitely did not need another meal for days. My dad teased me about my priorities when I first got home. […]