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There is Life After Rolex

After Rolex there has been some let down time in terms of Colombo and the feverish preparation for a four star, plus a lowering of the general agitation and suppressed excitement that the run up to Rolex generates throughout the whole team.  Selena took a well earned week off, however she produced a bad cold […]
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The name of the game is…

FORWARD, FORWARD, FORWARD Through the weekend and today that is all Vitall and I have been working on in our lessons. I’m working on keeping him forward and short. Every time I ask him to stay forward/active he goes forward a few strides then shrinks back behind me. To counteract this, I have been having to […]
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Hari Kari

What, two blogs in a day you ask? I’m making up for being late this week, and also  stock piling reading material because next week I am going to Costa Rica to work on freestyles and then to have a few days in the fabulous natural surroundings of the Peninsula de Oso with my husband […]
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Watch out World, Here comes Canada

There will be no M’s in today’s post. No, not when there is such incredible good news to report from our eventers at Rolex. It is almost certainly the best result ever for Canada – I’d nearly bet money on it and as you know I shun gambling. Four in the top ten, and all […]
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Frame and Speed Control

In past few lessons I have realized how important speed control and the frame is. Even more important than working on the excersises. Everything comes down to speed control. Wether you can move forward or slow down at the drop of a hat. If your horse is really on your aids then your excersises come naturally. […]
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Rock on Rolex!

Selena: Well, we made it to the top ten. Eigth in fact. I am so happy with his show jumping round. We finaly got our mojo back.  My last two warm up fences gave me the feel I had last year of how to make him jump clear.  The rail I did knock down was […]
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Rock on Rolex part 5

                                Selena YAY! I survived another Rolex thanks to my faithful steed Colombo. Not only did we survive and go clean, but we made it under the time by four seconds. Hurray. I first want to say that I LOVE […]
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Rock on Rolex part 4

Today was a busy day.  Although we had no competing to do, there was plenty to be done, in fact, it’s now 11.30pm and I have just got back to the hotel from doing late night check.  I dropped Selena back at the hotel earlier and predictably she is now asleep, so I guess you […]
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Piaffing Bonfire!

This past sunday the girls and I got to sit on bonfire! No… not the real one of course but in the town they have a life size statue of him. So we decided to be funny and go for a ride. It was a beautiful sunny day and we were on our way to […]