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Hangin’ with the heavies

Yesterday was a rest day so Janner and I decided to take in the folkloric charms and artisans of Tlaquepaque, a former village near Guad that has now been swallowed by the sprawl of six million people. We arrived around lunch time and agreed eating ought to precede taking in our surroundings, so we found […]
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Viva Canada!

It’s impossible to be at a competition like the Pan Am Games and not be swept up by patriotic pride, especially when your country’s team comports itself as splendidly as our dressage team did yesterday. Even a cynic like me got all teary eyed when a teary eyed Kerri McGregor told the riders how proud […]
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By Jova!

Remember all that perfect tennis playing weather I was going on about in my Guadalajara preview? We were greeted by somewhat less pleasant conditions upon our arrival in the pre-dawn of yesterday morning. Hurricane Jova, which had been downgraded to Tropical Storm Jova by the time it reached mainland Mexico, dropped a load of rain […]
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Off to Mañana Land

We aren’t even on the plane yet and already the wheels are falling off our Pan Ams or Bust adventure. I went on the Guadalajara 2011 website this morning – or rather I tried to go on the website in order to get information about whether there is any welcome for media at the airport, […]
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Karen’s Pan Am Crystal Ball

A week from this evening my husband Jan and I will be winging our way through the darkness – destination Guadalajara. This will be my second Pan Am Games and I’m anticipating a grand adventure. Just like with Rio four years ago, most equestrian writers and photographers are shying away from the spice, exoticism and […]
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Not Getting It

Here is the text for an email I sent this morning to a certain individual, copying a small group of people whom I thought might care about my concerns (silly, silly me): A fellow DC member alerted me to the proposed rule changes for 2012. In spite of the fact that I am both an […]
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Has America Lost its Mojo?

And now for something completely different…  Urban Dictionary definition of ‘mojo’: 1. Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in one’s self in a situation. Esp. in context of contest or display of skill such as sexual advances or going into battle. 2. Good luck fetish / charm to bolster confidence. 3. Ability to bounce back from […]
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Ahoy from Down East

If you are looking for more dirty DC laundry, I’m afraid you’ll have to go digging through the basket yourself or wait another week. I am currently on the fair isle of Cape Breton with my dear mom, at this moment getting gussied up for a concert with Men of the Deeps. Once I’ve finished […]
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Call to arms

It would be far too optimistic for a cynic like me to say ‘the people have spoken’, but at least SOME people have spoken – in response to my post regarding the latest ignoble activities in DQ Canada Land. Please, please please everyone. Keep asking questions. Send emails to DC. Send emails to EC. Post […]
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Regretfully Yours

Who says you can’t fire a volunteer? The folks at Dressage Queen Canada have just proven that you can, indeed, do so. You don’t even have to give notice or a severance package.  Sweet! Just when I was lulled into thinking it was going to be the quietest year for DC since I started caring […]