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Oh baby, baby it’s a Wild (Welly) World

First of all, I must apologize to those of you who have been experiencing technical difficulties viewing this blog over the past several weeks.  The problem has been partly due to my having  pasted copyrighted cartoons into my posts; yesterday I put photos up that were too big, but now I have been duly corrected […]
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Greetings from the World of Welly

As I sat  Tuesday morning, all squished into my cattle class seat on a plane bound for Houston, which would allow me to board another plane bound for West Palm Beach, and looked out the window at a snow-covered Vancouver receding in the cold dark of pre-dawn, the real reason so many Canadian riders go […]
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As you might have guessed from the absence of my usual verbosity on yesterday’s posts, I have found myself at something of a loss for words. But I can assure you the situation is temporary. You would have to quite literally rip my tongue out by the hinges and cut off both my hands (maybe […]
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Read on

Akaash’s heart-felt and understatedly witty letter to Canada here.  For those of you in Canada who care enough to have an opinion, I ask you to make sure you know enough to own the opinion you choose to have. I will do my very best to help in the knowledge department. Kerri McGregor, chair of […]
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You need to read this…

if you are Canadian and a member of EC. Click here Yes, I will be postponing my 2012 predictions in order to blog tomorrow about this piece of truly shocking news, which until a few days ago I could not have predicted in a million years.  
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I’m a junkie

If you didn’t check out my link to the Akaash web mini-series I mentioned in yesterday’s post, you really should take a peek at what the Horse Junkies posted today about Wonderful Welly World’s un-wonderful dressage woes. It’s so witty and to-the-point I wish I’d written it myself. And speaking of other blogs, I have […]
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For Auld Lang Syne

Happy new year everyone! I know we are already a week into 2012 and 2011 is fading fast, but I am going to impose my top list for the past year on you anyway, for the reason expressed in the old Scots cliché that serves as this post’s title: for old time’s sake.  I actually […]
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I’m outta here

Ever since I learned there was no Santa at the age of around eight, I find this time of year dreary, and Vancouver’s S.A.D. weather certainly doesn’t help.  I am what you might call a Christmas runaway, always running away somewhere else for the holidays so that I don’t have to put up Christmas lights outside […]
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A breath of fresh air

  Today, a special treat. A few weeks ago I saw Young Rider Monica Houweling – individual FEI Jr. bronze and freestyle silver at the 2011 NAJYRC – at the BC Young Riders Annual shindig. She mentioned that she had been to this year’s Global Dressage Forum, an event which as you know, I was […]
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Patrik turns my crank

It wouldn’t seem like the best remedy for the migraine I have been suffering for two days, but I went on FEI TV this afternoon (it really is worth the annual subscription fee) and treated myself to some freestyle action from Stockholm last weekend. I LOVE Patrik Kittel’s freestyle for Toy Story. It’s quite  a long […]