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A Crisismas Carol

Do you know what people in Welly World give each other for Christmas? Lawsuits!  Just look at the latest round of stocking stuffers revealed in the local rag,  aka The Palm Beach Post. Let’s see what was hidden under the holiday palm tree over the past couple of weeks…here’s a brightly wrapped little package that […]
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Top Ten of 2012

Happy 2013 everyone! Apart from a handful of toddlers with longevity in their DNA and a very few centenarians, we are all experiencing the only year of our lifetimes that is a ’13’.  Just remember, though. Superstitious people have bad luck. Before 2012 fades too far into our rear view mirrors, I thought I’d better […]
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Bob Margolis, Part 2

Before I share with you the remainder of my interview I would like to take the opportunity to thank Michael Stone for leaving a comment yesterday. It seems not many people are prepared put a name to an opinion on this matter, though the activity on HorseShowDiva would suggest there is no shortage of opinions, […]
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Exclusive Bob Margolis Interview: Part 1

The interview I conducted last weekend with Mayor Margolis is so long I know that only the most dedicated followers of current affairs in Welly World would get more than half way through. So here is the first part; the second half will be posted around this time tomorrow to give you a chance to […]
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Attention EC Board members, special limited time offer!

A limited time offer, brought to you by my wiener dog Chorizo. Chorizo understands that Canadians are often polite to a fault and tend to be reluctant to sink their teeth into a problem when it involves possibly, just maybe, being critical of another Canadian. He would like to offer one free lesson in assertiveness […]
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K-Rob’s Christmas Message

‘Twas the night before Christmas when all through EC, Not a creature was stirring, not even Mike G. The CEO’s office was laid out with care, In hopes that St. Nick would leave someone in the chair. The staff were at home all snug in their beds, As visions of leadership danced in their heads. […]
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It’s coming, it really is!

Holy hannah that was a long interview I did with Welly’s mayor. It will be up in its gigantic glory on this blog tomorrow morning – morning west coast slacker time that is.  Some of you will think I’ve put something good in your Christmas stocking, while others will see it as a lump of […]
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Hold your horses

If you have checked in to read my interview with Welly Mayor Bob Margolis, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a day or two longer. I have a few factual claims that I need to chase down before I feel confident that I have done my research thoroughly. Don’t worry – it will be worth […]
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Waist deep in Welly Waters

I said I’d wade in, and now I can report that I have. I estimate I’m about up to my belly button, which is not so deep that I am in danger of drowning, unless someone ties a rock around my neck and gives me a good shove. Yesterday I spent an enlightening hour-plus with […]
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So where’s the victory, Ken?

As you know, I have set myself a BIG GOAL while in Welly World: to wade through the swamp grass and try to find the ducks – the ducks that are fighting over the piece of land on the northeast corner of South Shore and Pierson. I’ve trolled all over the web, looking for any […]