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Freestyle Redemption

Thank goodness for the second half of the WDM freestyle competition. I don’t believe in DQ gods, so my prayer of last night’s post was made with absolutely no faith that an omniscient entity would intervene on my (and the horses’) behalf. No, the gods don’t make people ride well. I would like to express […]
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Please release me

We are in the half way break of the freestyles at the Masters, and I am pleading with the DQ gods to improve on the first half – by A LOT. I’m not going to name names because I don’t need more enemies in Dressage Land – but I just saw a set of riders […]
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The Swedish Masters

I’m sitting here at the Jim Brandon Center, waiting for the rather tiny GP Special of the WDM Palm Beach to get going. Between the flu (Edward Gal), scratching pre-jog (Aussie debutante Nicholas Fyffe),  and bloody spur marks (Tina Konyot) there’s been rather a lot of drop off at this year’s event. Right up until […]
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So much for nothin’

Looks like that crystal ball needs some repairs after all. 2013 is already turning out to be a sizzler, and it’s only January 25th.  Here are a few items I’ve been storing in my inbox to share with you this week: 1. The FEI has yanked Guadalajara’s 2015 World Cup Final hosting gig: in an […]
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Welly World or Bust

Just a quick note to let you know that tomorrow night (via a lovely red eye through Toronto) I’m off to the palm trees and law suits for my annual January pilgrimage.  WDM Palm Beach looms large on my horizon, and you can expect some unfiltered coverage of that event, now that I have shed […]
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Hayek, Haya and Hugo

I failed to arise at 3 am Pacific Slacker Time on Tuesday to watch the riveting press conference announcing the already-announced killer deal between the FEI and Longines, but a friend in a kinder time zone filled me in on the pertinent details, which were few but fascinating.  The first irony of this New Deal […]
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This just in: Canada stands alone

Given that I blogged about this very topic yesterday, I thought I ought to share with you this morning’s FEI press release declaring Canada the only country still in the running to become the FEI’s next top model (host of WEG 2018). I also wanted to direct your attention to a post on the Facebook page […]
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K-Rob’s Crystal Ball 2013

My crystal ball repairman If you are wondering why it’s taking me so long to get my 2013 predictions up here, it’s because I just got my crystal ball back from the repair shop. I was getting nothing from it when I sat down and gazed at its opaque surface last week, so I assumed […]
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Guest Blog by Pippa Cuckson: Rolex OUT, Longines IN

Good Monday morning! This week’s surprise post comes all the way from Merrie Olde Englande, where the intrepid Pippa Cuckson has weighed in on the FEI’s latest WTF move, the signing on of Longines and the unceremonious dumping of Rolex.  (Pippa and I share this characteristic: we both gravitate toward controversy like moths to a […]
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Roll kür raises its head (how’s that for an oxymoron?)

Well hello there Raging Roll Kür Grannies, and welcome! I must commend you for one thing: signing your vitriol with your names.  I have to say I was a bit surprised to have provoked so much hissing and spitting over the ‘top ten list’ item that I added as an afterthought because I was struggling […]