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Fundraisers, start your engines!

As any devout cover-to-cover Horse Sport readers out there have no doubt noticed,  I have a new monthly column in that magazine that goes by the name At Issue. Each month I look for a topic that I believe is relevant, timely and preferably at least a wee bit controversial, and then I dig in. […]
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Same ol’ same ol’

When it comes to the infernal, eternal Welly Wars, I’m not surprised people have started to bury their heads in the sand. Not because the truth is too difficult to bear (oh if only we had the whole of that), but because this is getting so very, very old.  I was sent a link to […]
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Honouring the Dead

Sigh. Sometimes I feel like such a meanie for picking on EC the way I do, but they really give me no choice sometimes. Resistance is futile. When the subject line “Northern Dancer named as Equine Canada Horse of the Year Recipient“, appeared in my inbox, I wondered if I was to shortly receive a […]
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Pedaling as fast as I can

Remember this adorable poster from the seventies? I feel just like that kitten right about now. It doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m actually in Welly World or sitting here at home in my microscopic office-off-the-kitchen. I just can’t keep up.  And I’ve tried. Hard. To. Keep. Up. But this latest twist in the plot […]
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Truth be untold

I’m on my way home now via Texas to do some non-writing biz, and am very much looking forward to some quiet time in the real world of my own home to recover from my travels (a bit of etymology for you: ‘travel’ originates from the word ‘travail’ which of course means ‘work’ or ‘labor’). […]
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Well, Well, Welly

This place does me in every time. I’m exhausted after just ten days in Welly World. I used to wonder why the dressage crowd down here always seemed so scatter brained, and after a few years of visiting the place at the height of the season,  I now understand the reason. It’s Welly World that’s […]
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Canada Kicks Butt in the Cold

Some rather un-tropical weather can be partly blamed for the lack of turn out for last night’s CDI-W Freestyle at the Global Dressage Festival. Only the mortification of my companion kept me from wearing a big toque  to the show to catch the last few freestyles of the evening. Canada was the dominating force out […]
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Canada does Florida

I’ve been soaking up the sun of Welly World for a full week now, and thought I ought to report on all the Canadian action down here. There has been a lot. The WDM Palm Beach had more Canadians than ever before, with four entries, which made up more than 25% of the total this […]
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Break on through to the other side

I think I might finally be getting somewhere near the middle of the teeter totter. Yesterday I was received with both grace and openness by Michael Stone and Mark Bellissimo at the WEF grounds, where I was taken on a tour by golf cart and then car of the WEF and Global Dressage Festival venues […]
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Back At Ya

If you haven’t seen the comments posted on my two WDM freestyle blogs, you might want to check those out before reading on. I feel compelled to respond to the remarks left by several readers. First of all, to Leueen, my sincere apologies if you took my line about old ladies personally. There WERE quite […]