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The Chorizo Files: dog vs. marmot

I was planning to go on my annual rant about the chuck wagon races at the Calgary Stampede (four dead horses this year), but I am having what could only be described as a truly lousy weekend, and need cheering up. Enter my four legged best friend Chorizo to carry the day – and my […]
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I’d been hearing the rumor for some time, and finally last week the news became official: Mark Bellissimo has bought Chronicle of the Horse. Actually, the official press release stated that the Bellissimo family bought the magazine, suggesting some kind of old-timey feel-good story, along the lines of the Walton family purchasing a small town general store. ‘Mary Ellen will […]
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It’s been a little while since I have updated everyone.  Unfortunately  Vitall  bumped himself getting off the truck a week before Aachen I was so disappointed!!! He had been going fantastic and I was even more excited to debut my freestyle. Aachen will have to wait till next year. Vitall is just coming back into […]
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Further doom and gloom

So CBC Montreal did a story on Bromont’s ‘still in the running’ bid late last week.  It claims Bromont ‘vows to bid again’, but unfortunately (for the Bromont bid committee) it also includes this nail-in-coffin quote from Canadian Heritage Minister Pierre Manoni: “Due to the current fiscal environment, the government of Canada is not in […]
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Welcome to Nerdsville

I’m not sure what process I have to initiate in order to propose a name change for Wellington, but now that Bill Gates has coughed up 8.7 million green backs for a home there, I can just see the writing on the Windows tablet.  It’s only a matter of time before WEF creates a new […]
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Bid Busters

Well, that’s that then. Bromont did not get WEG, as was announced by the FEI on the most ironic of dates, Canada Day. I’ve noticed the FEI’s Communications Dept. has developed a taste for wordy, strange headlines (such as this one); yesterday’s Bromont rejection letter is a perfect example: “Canada to remain in mix as bidding process […]
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Canada Day Special

As is customary whenever I find I’ve got under people’s skin, today’s blog is dedicated to rebutting the rebuttals left on last week’s post. First of all, I have to once again say that knowing such important people as the EC Prez read my blog tickles me beyond pink. I feel it is only appropriate […]
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Past Imperfect

Given the overwhelming evidence (see the dirty laundry list below), I’m tempted to think EC has been watching too much Jon Stewart. But the difference between The Daily Show and the material published by EC’s M&C dept. is that The Daily Show has the facts right – it’s making fun of the world – and […]
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The Welly World Peace Treaty

From Wikipedia – A peace treaty is an agreement between two or more hostile parties, usually countries or governments, which formally ends a state of war between the parties. It is different from an armistice, which is an agreement to stop hostilities, or a surrender, in which an army agrees to give up arms, or a ceasefire (truce) in which the […]
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A little bird told me…

I was recently asked if I could do some tweeting at a competition, so I consulted with a colleague who is very much in the know about twitterverses and such like. The first warning I received from that person was that you have to be extremely careful when you post tweets from a competition, since […]