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Pippa Cuckson Guest Blogger!

Today, dear readers, a very special treat. I am delighted to share with you the ruminations of journalist extraordinaire, Pippa Cuckson. I’m even more delighted to read her post and realize that she and I are on exactly the same page when it comes to the momentous events of last week in Switzerland. Sometimes, as […]
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The Hangover

Actually, what the FEI GA has given me is the exact opposite of a hangover. I woke up at 4:45 this morning, my head buzzing with a hundred different details from the past two days. Here are a few of the things that were swirling around in my overstimulated brain: Question: Did they announce the […]
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I’m Going Down, Down, Down

Today’s post comes with a soundtrack suggestion. Remember that song by The Boss, ‘I’m Going Down’? Well that is what I hummed as I descended down, down, down from the apartment I rented (much cheaper than a hotel, no need to dress for breakfast) to the lakeside convention centre. The apartment has wonderful views of […]
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Enduring the Endurance Meeting

Things at the FEI GA finally spiced up at the end of a very long presentation by the Endurance Strategic Planning Group (aka ESPG). Especially when a diminutive and predictably sun-tanned little fellow named Malcolm McDonald got hold of the microphone during the question period. Why predictably tanned? Well, because Malcolm is the Jamaican federation’s […]
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Yawnfest 2013

Now that I’m finally allowed into something, here I sit in the cathedral atmosphere of the FEI Rule Change meeting that always takes place the day before the GA. The point of this session is to acquaint the NFs with any potentially contentious rule changes (except for the Olympic qualifications, since that was a separate […]
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I’m not even in Switzerland yet, and the FEI is already making my blood boil. The issue is of great concern to my Canadian readers, so I’ve posted this saga-before-the-saga over on Straight-Up, which you can reach by clicking here. I’ll check in here tomorrow – I’ll have lots of time on my hands, now […]
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Now It’s Personal

As many of you know, I am on my way to the pristine, EU-resistant soil of Switzerland to attend the 2013 FEI General Assembly this week. If there is any single session of the three day talk-fest of especial relevance to Canada and to people in other countries of the Americas who have been in […]
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GDF Lite (Day Two)

**Note to readers: I wrote this post on my flight from Amsterdam to Toronto on Thursday, but between the flying (no wifi on KLM flights yet), the weather, Toronto’s epic traffic and my schedule doing work in my ‘other’ career, dressage freestyles, this is the first moment I’ve had to sit down and post it. […]
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Bright Lights and Dim Bulbs: GDF Day One

As is always the case with DQ Land’s annual international shindig, there was the good, the bad and the ugly this year, and none of it (well, almost none) was boring. I thought I would introduce an emoticon-based system of rating the presentations this year, you know, like, to maybe attract more young readers to […]
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The Chronicles of Fat Kid and Smartie

I know I said I would be GDF blogging on Low-Down, but since my ‘conversation’ with Trond  (aka Smartie) started here, I decided that for continunity’s sake I would wrap this up here (at least until the FEI GA next week, where I will be sure to have at least one chat with the FEI […]