Lindsey Partridge of Pontypool, Ontario, is the first equestrian ever to win two champion titles at the International Thoroughbred Makeover.

The Thoroughbred Makeover is held at Kentucky Horse Park and took place October 27-30 in Lexington, Kentucky. More than 300 horses were competing in the 10 different disciplines.

The competition requires trainers to take a retired Thoroughbred racehorse, and retrain them for a different discipline. This is because horses that retire from racing are very young and often have a stereotype of being hot headed and hard to handle.

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The Retired Racehorse Project with the Thoroughbred Charities of America is working to change that stereotype. The Thoroughbred Makeover is one of their efforts with a $100,000 competition for trainers to compete recently retired racehorses.

Trainers have from January 1st until the time of the competition in October to take a retired racehorse and train for the competition.

Last year, Partridge won the overall title of America’s Most Wanted Thoroughbred after taking first and second place in Trail, as well as third and 10th in Freestyle with her two horses Soar and Lion of Wallstreet.

This year, she went back to defend her title, but also try something new. She competed in Trail with both Trivia Time and Pentland, Freestyle with Trivia Time, and Field Hunter with Pentland. She had never competed in Field Hunter before.

Partridge made history when her horse Trivia Time won two disciplines – Trail and Freestyle. It is the first time anyone has won two titles. She also made history when her other horse Pentland also qualified for finals and placed third in both Field Hunter and Trail – making her the only trainer to have two horses compete and place in the finals (top three) for both their disciplines.

The competition limits trainers to a maximum of two horses and a maximum of two disciplines per horse.

The 10 disciplines give trainers a chance to choose what style they want to train their horse. The disciplines include Polo, Barrel Racing, Cow Ranch Work, Trail, Hunter, Show Jumping, Eventing, Field Hunter, Dressage, and Freestyle.

For Partridge to do so well two years in a row she is being coined the ‘pride of Pontypool’ and the ‘Queen of Thoroughbreds.’

This video, of her winning freestyle, makes it easy to see what the fuss is all about. She rides her horse with no saddle or bridle through a series of obstacles that would scare most horses. The most impressive part being a massive tarp that completely covers her and Trivia Time.

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