Each summer, Ontario Veterinary College DVM students entering their fourth year of studies must complete an eight-week externship course in a mixed (companion and food animal or companion and equine) practice. This year, five students will share their experiences through the 2014 Externship Project.
Jodi Boyd, Lindsay Oxby, Jeremy Shaba, Chelsea Allan and Michael Brown will each blog about the hands-on experience they are getting on the job. Links to each blog can be found at www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/externship
Externships underline the importance of agriculture and food animal experience for OVC veterinary students. Students have an opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learned in a clinical and on farms settings.
This invaluable experience is made possible by the many hospitals that host the students, the veterinarians who share their knowledge to educate the next generation of practitioners, and funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Rural Affairs.
Meet the fab five below: