The Canadian Sport Horse Association (CSHA) has launched an exciting new initiative for pony breeders: the Canadian Sport Pony registry.

It will have similar objectives to the Canadian Sport Horse Association, to promote the development of sport ponies in Canada from an evolving to distinct breed.

“There has been overwhelming support for a truly Canadian sport pony registry in Canada. The CSHA recognizes that there are many high quality Canadian-bred ponies that currently have limited opportunities for registration,” says CSHA national board member Joanna Fast, who helped to develop the Canadian Sport Pony criteria. “As a result, the CSHA has developed a new sport pony studbook within the structure of the CSHA. The new sport pony studbook will offer a registry that will have similar standards and procedures as the horse studbook of the Association.

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“We are excited to promote the development and improvement of Canadian-bred ponies. The registry will focus on the advancement of ponies that can excel in various areas of sport.”

Given the diversity of ponies that compete in the various disciplines, the Canadian Sport Pony will welcome a wide range of ponies into the registry.

The breeding aim of the Canadian Sport Pony registry is to produce a pony of sport body type between 11 and 15 HH with a good disposition, capable of competing successfully at all levels of competition in hunter, jumper, dressage, eventing and combined/pleasure driving.

The Canadian Sport Pony studbook will mirror the structure of the CSHA but will have its own separate books.

Canadian Sport Pony stallion and mare inspections will be similar to the procedures of Canadian Sport Horse inspections with evaluation on conformation, movement, and temperament. Stallions will be required to free jump.

As with Canadian Sport Horses, a Performance Premium structure will also be available to Canadian Sport Ponies.

Sport pony owners who have their ponies inspected and registered during this inaugural year will be offered generous discounts on registration and inspection fees.

Canadian Sport Pony classes will be held in conjunction with CSHA shows, with the goal of a full breeding division at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

“The CSHA is delighted to offer this new registry for Canadian pony breeders. We will work hard on providing opportunities for the advancement, promotion and improvement of sport ponies across Canada and recognizing the achievements of Canadian-bred ponies,” says Ms. Fast.

For more information on the Canadian Sport Pony registry, contact the CSHA at 613-686-6161 or email