Woody waiting hopefully this afternoon for his dancing class.

The last day of the month. I count the days and tick off the months in the winter. It has not been quite so bad this winter, but I really do hate the cold. I hate the worry of whether or not they are cold at night. I hate the worry of too many/not enough blankets. I hate the worry of not always being able to turn out, I hate the worry of whether or not they are all drinking enough water. I have to admit, I would not have a ton of enthusiasm to stick my nose in a freezing cold bucket and take a long draught of water in sub zero temps. I can totally understand why they don’t want to drink as much, therefore, I can totally appreciate how likely it is that they will become dehydrated. I am the Team O’Hanlon Worrier….official!

I know I have mentioned it before, but as the official team worrier, I really am worried about the OTTBs and their long trip South in just over a week. Poor Benny who got on the trailer like an angel was a sweaty shivering heap when he got here from Rochester New York and that is only a couple of hours. He was on his own. Rummy traveled well, he was also on his own. but he had shipped before. I am hoping that Solo and Rummy who have more experience will give Benny the confidence he needs and let him relax and take it in stride. Tomorrow is photo day, the first day of the month, did I mention I am excited about these two… 😉

Sunday Funday at Balsam Hall. That means we get all the jumps out and everyone has to do the exercises at their own level. Kind of like a weekly mini jumping clinic. I get a lot of my exercises from classes I have had with instructors over the years, and from the internet and classes Selena has with different instructors. There is a wealth of exercises out there just waiting to be tried out. Right now I am channelling my inner Ingrid Klimke and we are all about pace control and smooth transitions. On it!

Today I heard that Selena’s first Advanced ride, a tiny little TB mare called “Be Bold Juliet” was put down after a bout of colic. She had three babies after retiring, first ‘Mistress Quickly’ the second one is ‘Rather Boldly’ and the third is his full brother and belongs to Pamela Nunn who owned Juliet at the end of her career. There is no one else we would have let Juliet go to. Pamela was Selena’s FEI groom for both Hong Kong and Kentucky WEG. It is good to know that Juliet was cared for and beloved her whole life but it is a sad chapter in the life of a horseperson.

Selena was hoping for a lesson with Jacquie Brooks today, however the light is waning both here and in Florida and it seems unlikely that she is going to make it today. Those darn Americans have recognized Jacqueline’s awesome coaching talents and are taking up FAR TOO MUCH OF HER CANADIAN TIME. Sheesh, can’t they find their own Dressage Diva? I just thought I would mention that… 😉