Rather Boldly (Riley) in purple, admiring his surroundings.

Rather Boldly (Riley) in purple, admiring his surroundings.

The Florida horses had turnout and sunshine today after two days on the road. Everyone drinking, everyone eating and, most important, everyone pooping as normal. It doesn’t matter how many times we take our horses out on the road, I am always aware of what a strain it is on the horses to be shut in a little box, stuck in a little stall, unable to move around. Moving is so important to everything that makes the horse function, so all long distance shipping is always a worry. I am relieved to have everybody safe and sound in Ocala.

Riley meets The Mustang from Nevada.

Riley meets The Mustang from Nevada.

Selena’s first outing will be the Wellington Eventing Showcase on February 5-6. This is an invitational and Selena was thrilled that she and Woody are going.

There are four countries represented and the confirmed list was released today. The USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will all be there to compete. It will be a wonderful first 2016 outing, there is lots of atmosphere and really lovely facilities.

Thunder and Zephyr, heads down and enjoying the grass.

Thunder and Zephyr, heads down and enjoying the grass.

Today, here north of the border, was a nicer day than recent weather has produced. The horses were able to use most of the paddocks and were standing peacefully munching hay in the sunshine.

The two OTTBs have not been worked the past two days and I have upped my efforts to try and organize things so that they can go to Florida and join Selena. We are busy both sides of the border, but the chances of their getting worked regularly are higher south of the border.