It was another fun filled day, with an 8:00 a.m. jog to start us off. Breakfast was excellent because I picked up some crumpets and rhubarb jam, my favourite.

I took Woody for a nice hack to stretch him out before some “massage dressage.” I was super happy with how good he felt after his gallop yesterday. I enjoyed watching my teammates lessons as well. Everyone is looking really good!

After lunch (Wensleydale and rhubarb jam on crackers) YUM! We went to a nearby tack shop. I was a good girl and only bought some fun Thellwell cards. So many wonderful things to look at though 🙂

When we got back, I checked in on Woody while Max had a cup of tea. Then she and I went into Marlborough to window shop. Some lovely things…that I couldn’t afford (pound sterling being so $$!!)

To finish off the day I was invited to an excellent dinner at Castle & Ball in Marlborough with Sarah, Hawley and her aunt Chris and uncle Roy. Such a good night of family and friends. Some really funny stories too 😉

Off to bed now. Big day tomorrow with Annabelle Scrim.