IMG_3138Today was high tension and excitement. It was our first ever Canadian Three Day team fitness testing assignment.

To illustrate what I have been doing to stay on top of my riders fitness testing today, here are some pictures of my workout room. I am so lucky to have a brand new workout room courtesy of Skygun ranch. I have added my Bosu ball.

I was very worried about the testing as I had no idea what to expect. I feel I tried my best. And as I always say if my best isn’t good enough it’s the best

IMG_3137I can do at the time. Doesn’t mean I don’t give it my all. We will all be sent reports telling us how we faired. I felt as though I did quite well.

I felt privileged to train and try with Equine Canada’s best. My motto “If in doubt kick and shout!”

Let’s go Rio!