Today is my birthday and I am in Ocala, which is just the best present anyone could ask for. 🙂 The horses have the day off as is typical for a Monday and they are enjoying some turnout and vitamin D. I know I will get slammed for bringing up the weather, but it was only 4 degrees last night and will be 0 tonight…. Cue the panic! In Florida when it starts to get “cold” they put out this ticker tape warning that scrolls at the bottom of all the TV screens reminding you to keep your pets, children and seniors inside, which, as Canadians, is just so ironic and hilarious.

I have been trying to catch up on getting everyone’s manes and tails pulled now that we are somewhere where you don’t have to wear mittens all the time. The manes are easy to get under control, but doing their tails properly takes a bit of time. I’ve always wondered if it’s because of all the supplements he gets, but for whatever reason Woody’s hair is ridiculously thick and strong and very firmly rooted, my fingers get cramps!

His first outing of the season is coming up this weekend. Longwood is holding a schooling event for the lower levels and a combined test for the upper levels, which will be the perfect opportunity for him to run through his test and jump a bit on their beautiful footing. We had a chance to go visit Three Lakes, which is a new event being held in the Ocala area and it was gorgeous, the XC ran right beside the shoreline and there was a great breeze. Nice to have some new options for running the lower level horses.

Maizey is exhausted, she and Bizzy went from house arrest in Canada, seeing as we have a big coyote problem, not to mention they risk losing a leg to frostbite, to a hugely more active Ocala lifestyle that involves a lot of digging in the sand, chasing squirrels (we don’t really have any at Balsam Hall) and supervising the jump field.