Today started off with a trip to Canadian team coach Clayton Fredricks’ farm for a show jumping lesson on Woody. He was a very good boy and we did the biggest bounce I’ve ever done, I think.

It was actually two bounces made of three verticals getting progressively taller. I swear the last one was around 3’6″! They were raised gradually and Woody had to work a little harder to tuck in his hind end. Once he realized he made an excellent effort. We finished up by working on a quicker pace to make sure we have no time faults and with me learning how to use the turn (like half pass) to have an uphill balance when I get to the fence. It was a great feeling when I figured out how to relate the feeling of half pass (haunches under, activity behind and an uphill balance) right to the base of a decent sized oxer.

Then Kelly joined us at Clayton’s and we took the two brothers over to the cross country course. Riley and Zephyr are half brothers by the same stallion, Rather Well. Kelly just flew in yesterday after not riding or even seeing a horse since before Christmas! Riley is doing the Prelim at Three Lakes this weekend and so is Zephyr.

Clayton’s is a field that looks like a playground full of many fun jumps banks, quarry, waters, ditches and so much more!

Zephyr was on fire and tearing it up. Skinnys in and out of quarry’s down banks to skinnys, angled hedges, water in over a hump and back into water out over a skinny. Finished up with the coffin.

Riley was a very good boy thru the quarry to start. When we moved on to the skinnies I started with a single skinny and he blasted over it no problem. So then I headed to two in a row two strides apart.

I went to the last one first and then circled around and did both in a row that worked well. If possible it’s best when schooling to show the horse the last part of the exercise first. David Oconnor taught me that. 🙂

After we sorted that out he was much more in front of my leg (3/4 of the horse in front of you “feeling”).

Riley and I did everything Kelly and Zephyr did. I’m really enjoying riding Riley. I remember helping him stand up as a baby. How far he has come and I can’t wait to see how much further he’ll go.

Marta (Thunder’s new owner) arrives late tonight and will be here for the fun adventures of tomorrow. Marta and Thunder will be competing together for the first time at the next rocking horse so I’m sure we will be taking them on an adventure this weekend to get in some practice.

Selena – Ocala