I can dive straight into the pool from my hotel balcony!

I can dive straight into the pool from my hotel balcony!

Susan Stafford-Pooley, Horse Sport magazine’s managing editor, reports from CHI Al Shaqab in Qatar,  a unique six-day event of Jumping, Dressage, Para-Dressage, Endurance and Vaulting:

And so begins the saga of my second trip to Qatar for the CHI Al Shaqab show…

Thanks to a mammoth snow and ice storm in Dallas, my trip was delayed by a day when 700 flights going into Dallas (including my connector) were cancelled. At least I was not one of the 5,000 stranded souls who had to sleep in the airport that night. Once I did finally get on my way, the sight of my opulent room in the Ritz Carlton in Doha was certainly a payoff for enduring an excruciating, cramped 12 hours on a plane in coach, being kicked constantly from behind by a three-year old with a very wet cough.

Another reward for enduring the travel marathon is the incredibly perfect weather here ‒ sunny, 26°C with a nice breeze. Sorry Canada; not a snowplow in sight.

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Laura Renwick's (GBR) Rembrandt Blue waiting to jog.

Laura Renwick’s (GBR) Rembrandt Blue waiting to jog.

Not much to report yet, as the show is just underway, with the first two days dedicated to vaulting. I watched the FEI CSI5* jog this morning, which affords a chance to get a close look at some really nice world-class show jumpers when they’re not flying around a ring. Afterwards I wandered into the FEI barns ‒ a restricted area I suspect is not included in my media pass, but I find in that type of situation if you just walk in like you know what you’re doing, no one will challenge you. I was specifically looking for the sole Canadian in the competition, para-dressage rider Roberta Sheffield. While I found Double Agent’s stall, it was unoccupied and I suspect both the mare and her rider will be arriving later today, as their vet check and warm-up is not until tomorrow afternoon.

Now that's a selfie stick.

Now that’s a selfie stick.

Update: A quick check of Bert’s Facebook page found this interesting post: “Learning about life! Walking around Heathrow airport carrying two schooling whips gets you a lot of male attention! Some seem to think I’m going fishing, and the others probably went to see 50 Shades of Grey!!!”

Anyone wanting to watch the CHI Al Shaqab show live (their coverage is really, really good) can go to www.chialshaqab.com/media/watch-live. Keep in mind the time shift (8 hours ahead of EDT). Schedules and results also available there.

Off to watch the vaulting – ma`al salama for now…