That’s right, it’s now less than a year to the opening ceremonies of what I’m sure will be a truly spectacular WEG 2014. I still don’t dare to expect it to top Jerez 2002, which remains my all-time favourite horse sporting event, ever – but if anyone can give the Spanish a run for their money, it’s the French.
Since I am already in France and just a couple of hours away from Normandy, I decided it would be journalistically irresponsible not to do at least a drive-by of Caen (bustly and industrial) and the Haras du Pin (bucolic and horse-intensive) in order to get a sense of the lay o’ land thereabouts (flat in Caen, rolling in Haras du Pin). I’ve some impressions to share that might be useful to any of you considering a trip to La France for the 2014 edition of The Greatest Horse Show On Earth (brought to you, once again, by Alltech), so check back here in the next couple of days to read about Normandy’s 1001 uses for apples.
And just so you know I’m not pulling your leg about having gone up to Caen, here is a bit of photo proof.

Note the monoglot nature of the sign promoting WEG at the Haras du Pin; my crappy French may come in quite handy next summer.