So I know there are at least a few of you out there who have been wondering what’s up with me and the lack of posts these past two days. I am sorry for the silence. Believe me, it wasn’t by choice. On Monday we headed off to Valley of Fire State Park in our lumbering beast of a rented RV. After a blissful first evening cooking ‘real’ barbecue on the fire, a nasty wind began to build on Tuesday. In addition to trapping us in the RV in order to avoid the quintillions of sand grains in the air, the wind brought a cold front that was most unwelcome. It would seem that the wind, which was truly of epic force, found its way into my GI tract where it then settled in for a nice stay. Janner and I had eaten all the same things, and he’s fit as a fiddle. He DOES have an iron constitution, but clearly I caught something that had no appetite for his bowels.

Me, pre-wind in my sails.

Me, pre-wind in my sails.

The biggest  bummer of all for me was missing Charlotte Bredahl’s and Jan Ebeling’s pas de deux performance yesterday, since that’s a program I made for them. I have heard they were fantastic, and the hands down popular winners with their Grease dancing. I’m especially sad not to have seen Jan in his John Travolta wig…

I have received a few messages from people wanting to hear my opinions on the judging Thursday. ‘What’s up with Lilo?’ is one of the more pointed queries I’ve received. Having missed the action live, I will be restricted to examining the marks for anomalies, but I will be careful not to tread into territory where someone who didn’t see the action has no business treading.

Seeing the Grand Prix results for the first time this morning, I can’t say I’m surprised by too much, though I’m curious to set eyes on German Jessica and Unee BB. It’s a rare treat to have someone pop onto the scene from nowhere. Doesn’t happen enough, but such is the nature of the Dressage beast.

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The obnoxiously noisy pre-freestyle show is now getting started, so I’ll take my fingers off the keys now so that I can put them in my ears. Back in a bit.