Foxhunting for Eventers with Diana Burnett

Canadian Eventing Team member Diana Burnett's early experiences on horseback involved accompanying her parents on field hunt meets, galloping over large expanses of rural terrain in spring or fall after a pack of foxhounds in full cry.


Some well-known coaches and competitors give us a peek inside their trailer, pointing out their special features and how they suit their particular needs.
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US Horse Slaughter Plants Update

US animal rights groups will have to post a nearly $500,000 bond if they want to continue their court battle against horse slaughter. On August 8th, a New Mexico judge ordered the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other horse protection groups to pay the bond to cover economic losses in the event […]
Thumbnail for Emma Webb Shares NAJYRC Experience

Emma Webb Shares NAJYRC Experience

Ontario’s Emma Webb, double-silver medal-winning member of the Canadian Endurance team that competed at the 2013 FEI Adequan North American Junior & Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC), had a plan from the start of the race. It was to stay behind the early front runners, maintain a steady speed and, most importantly, keep her mount happy. […]
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In Memoriam: Rusty

Germany’s Ulla Salzgeber’s famed mount, Rusty, has passed away at the age of 25. One of Germany’s most notable partnerships, the duo had numerous successes, including winning team gold and individual bronze at the 2000 Olympic Games and team gold and individual silver medals at the 2004 Games, after which Rusty was retired. In a […]
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US Horse Slaughter Plants Face Roadblocks in Reopening

On August 2nd, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other horse protection groups achieved a minor victory in their battle to prevent the reopening of horse slaughter plants in the US by obtaining a restraining order against New Mexico’s Valley Meat Co. The order prevents the company from commencing operations, which were […]