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Big Star to Make comeback at Royal Windsor Horse Show

Nick Skelton’s London 2012 team gold medal winning horse, Big Star, will make his comeback return to competition from injury at Royal Windsor Horse Show, which takes place May 14-18, 2014. The 11-year-old has been out of action since sustaining an injury last August as he was preparing for the Spruce Meadows Masters. He was […]

Julia Tops

Julia Tops, talented young rider and daughter of noted professionals, talks to Horse Sport about growing up, branching out, and giving back.

Back in the Saddle Tatiana Dzavik: Hanging Tough

A survivor is defined as 'a person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks.' Tatiana Dzavik, who has risen through the showjumping ranks from high-profile junior to successful adult professional, is a true survivor, dusting herself off and pushing on despite a number of career-threatening injuries.

Pro Grooming Tips

Professional show horse groom Denielle Gallagher-LeGriffon shares her grooming routine, with handy tips and tricks to make your horse look his best.