Catherine Willson shares the best tips for creating a properly-worded waiver that will be enforced by the Courts to act as a complete defence to liability.
What if your long-used hacking route crosses someone else’s land? A look at a surprising doctrine which may save your trail when owners fence you out.
As city meets country and more people without farm experience move in next door, conflicts are inevitable. Education and cooperation are the answer.
Some stables have a “no dog” rule, but it’s difficult to have a “no children” rule. Learn how to protect yourself and your guests, with sensible barn rules.
If you buy or sell a horse, and particularly if there is a trial period, you must be aware of the existing Canadian laws that could put you at risk.
Lawyer Catherine E. Willson explains what you need to know about defamation in the horse world, so can protect yourself, on both sides of the fence.
In the wake of recent high-profile sexual assault scandals, preventing gender-based offensive behaviour in the workplace has become a crucial concern.
Protecting yourself and your interests during horse transactions.
We all know that accidents can happen: understand how the law works in cases of personal injury, and how to protect yourself from lawsuits.
Lawyer Catherine E. Willson examines the disturbing trend of residents in new housing developments in the country complaining about the "nuisance" of long-established farms and stables. Do horse owners have a recourse?