The following statements are either True, Plausible or need to be Busted! See how your veterinary and horse care knowledge rates against the pros.
There are certain medications available that can make handling sometimes fractious stallions and mares a bit easier during the busy show season.
One emerging cause of colitis that horse owners are becoming increasingly aware of is equine coronavirus. Is your horse at risk of contracting it?
The main categories that equine skin conditions fall into are infections (fungal or bacterial) and neoplasms (abnormal masses of tissue).
Mosquitos can carry West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis and Western Equine Encephalomyelitis, which can cause major health concerns horses.
Choke in horses refers to an esophageal obstruction, which can be life-threatening if not treated right away. Learn how to prevent it.
While travelling to shows with your horse is an adventure, there are steps you should take to ensure he arrives in top shape, and prevent shipping fever.
Laminitis is a debilitating condition in horses involving inflammation of the laminae in the hoof, with numerous causes. Find out how to prevent it.
As foaling season approaches, we ask: why do some mares not carry their foals to full term? Why are some foals born with abnormalities?
Even though cases are rare, horses can suffer from liver disease. Find out the causes, symptoms and treatment, plus tips for prevention.