Online Exclusives

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Pedaling Backwards at Top Speed

It’s not every day the FEI grabs a jar of jam and spreads it all over its own face, but today is a special day. Below is another guest post from Pippa Cuckson, on the announcement today that the FEI has had a light-bulb moment when it comes to
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Official Swiss Statement

I received an email from Claude Nordmann at the Swiss Federation this morning, with a press release attached and a request that I share it with readers.  As Pippa’s guest blog of today has revealed, things have gone from bad to worse to insane
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Task Force Conflicts Cause Shockwaves

Horse Sport International’s “Insider,” Pippa Cuckson provides a special report on the Endurance Strategic Planning Group: Colleagues often preface emails with the phrase “you couldn’t make it up” when discussing the latest su
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Stranger than Fiction

This week, two stories came my way that just begged to be put together in a post. They have much in common, both being about Welly World and about lawsuits (two things which go together like cookies and cream). Here is where they differ: one is ficti
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A Tale of Two Horses…and Three Names…and Two Microchips

This is not an endurance story. It’s a story of cheating and corruption. And it’s far from over. The characters include what we could now consider ‘the usual suspects’: 1. The Maktoum family, in the form of Sheikh Hamdan, Shei
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Ten Thousand Words

The above ten photos were taken at two FEI Endurance races in 2009, both in the UAE. One of them was the President of the UAE Cup race, the other was not identified to me by the very civic minded photographer who agreed to allow me to publish this ir
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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain permission from the photographer to publish the photo that I wanted to share with you, so instead I will use the proverbial thousand  of these one dimensional little things to describe it. It was snapped during
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Pippa Cuckson: Guest Blog from the FEI Endurance Conference

When the editor kindly offered me a guest blog about the FEI endurance conference in Lausanne on February 9, I decided to wait a day or so. I had already written five different news reports about it and wanted to crystallise some thoughts. I also wan
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The Welly Whirlwind

It happened again. My two weeks in Welly World vanished faster than you can say Bellissimo. Every year I go down thinking I’ll have all kinds of time to socialize, go for bird-watching walks, even sneak down to Key Largo for a night or two. And
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Give it Some Welly

This happy new year’s greeting is coming to you from the Wonderful World of Wellington, where I have just arrived for my annual dose of sunshine and perpetually youthful old people. Things have changed a great deal since a year ago, and over th