Online Exclusives

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Marmoog Watch: The Final Insult

Sheikh Hamdan, Crown Prince of Dubai, will face no action over the “Marmoog” horse swap allegations after the FEI announced today that “no legal action can be taken for procedural reasons and due to a lack of conclusive evidence.&#
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On the Road to Recovery

Things are almost back to normal at O’Hanlon Eventing. Selena is out teaching three to four hours a day. Her shoulder is healing quickly and she is keen to hear when she can start riding again. I am not healing in quite such a speedy satisfying fas
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To Buy Abroad or at Home? Part 1

A hot topic repeatedly found on social media and chat boards these days surrounds the topic of where to buy one’s horses. North American breeders, primarily what I would call boutique breeders who breed anywhere from one to four horses a year,
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I Wanna Hold Your Hand…

Candidates for the FEI presidency have now published their manifestos, but even with this belated opportunity to widen debate into issues rather than personalities, Ingmar de Vos is still getting flak. The current FEI secretary general has controvers
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A Photo Correction, with Apologies to Mr. Genecand

After I posted my ‘meet the candidates’ blog yesterday, it was brought to my attention that the photo of Pierre Genecand (which I suggested would have been superior if it had a horse in it) had been cropped to fit the format of the Horse-
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First Gear…

In the interests of becoming interested once more in the equestrian political machine, I spent a few minutes making a reading dent in the long but very revealing ’10 Questions for the FEI Presidential Candidates’ posted on
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My Own Personal Wonder Woman

You may have been wondering where I’ve got to these past weeks. The posts have been few, and the humour laboured, if there at all. I’m afraid I’ve had all too good an excuse: my mother Elizabeth (known to most in the horse community
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Selena’s Royal Crash

So, it wasn’t the best Royal Winter Fair we have had. It has not been a ‘lucky’ competition for O’Hanlon Eventing, although it is always a very enjoyable one, as we all love the RWF. Selena and Solo started out beautifully….Of course we don
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Reflections on WEG on the Way to the Royal

Competition wise, things have been a bit quiet around here since WEG. We only did one more local show, where our two Prelim horses excelled. Leo and Thunder just upgraded to Prelim halfway through this year but they have shown themselves ready to be
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How to Make Up a Presidential Campaign as You Go Along

I recently heard a fantastic put-down in a trailer for a TV show. A new boss introduces himself: “Hello, I am replacing Professor Dalton.” A waspish underling retorts: “No, you are not replacing him. You are merely getting his job.” The elect