Online Exclusives

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Untied Arab Emirates

Well now we know why HRH decided not to run for that third term. I applaud her decision to ‘get off the pot’ so that a heavy hand could be applied to the NF of the family she married into.  In case you have been profoundly out of touch t
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Saddle Fit and All We Have Seemingly Forgotten Over the Years

Our forefathers depended on the soundness of the horse in order to be able to continue to do their jobs, or even survive. Horses at the turn of the century (and up to the mid-1900s) were still used primarily as working animals in agriculture or in th
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Happy Johnny Appleseed Day

Feeling a bit uninspired about a title for today’s post, I looked up what meaning March 11th might have out there in the wider world.  It’s one of the less distinguished dates on the calendar, unless of course it happens to be  your bir
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Like Taking Candy from a Baby

Colleagues discussing the latest drama in Middle East endurance often use the phrase “you couldn’t make it up.” But making it up seems exactly what the UAE has been doing for years, with the “bogus” ride scandal eclipsing everything else ab
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(Middle) East Bound and Down Part 2 – Doha Wrap-Up

Insomnia & Islamic Treasures I suppose ‘insomnia’ is not really the correct word. It implies one is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep for no particular reason. I think ‘sleep deprivation’ is more accurate. The cause of
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Saddle Fit and a General Rant

Okay, I have seriously had it with people who consider themselves ‘experts’ in saddle fitting just because they are leaders in their various equine-related professions (and these are usually high-level riders or other trained experts who take it
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One Wedding and a Funeral

You know that saying about there being no such thing as bad publicity? I’m not at all convinced of the verity of that claim, but I can tell you one thing that I know for absolute certain: that there IS such a thing as stupid publicity. A few we
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Who’s Going to Qualify for Rio at the Pan Ams?

Are the winters getting worse or am I just getting old and crabby? I start out ok and then I get to a stage where I just look forward to getting through another cold day in the sure knowledge that Spring is coming…but when? I suppose I have to admi
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Too Good to be True?

My phone has been red hot this past week, with colleagues keen to discuss the politics behind the FEI’s unprecedented cancellation of two UAE CEI’s as the endurance crisis escalates. So it was a relief when one buddy called with this practical qu