Online Exclusives

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Rock ‘n’ Roll in Saddle Fit

One of the very misunderstood things we often run into is the ‘opinion’ of the peanut gallery watching their fellow riders that saddles aren’t fitting because they may seem to be too curved in the back (i.e., not lying flat on the horse’s bac
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Cocks vs Feather Dusters

You know I’ve always loved the saying that being a rider is a lot like being a rooster. One minute you are the cock on the block and the next, the feather duster. I was definitely the duster this weekend. I should preface this by saying that I
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A Day in the Life of Jochen Schleese – Part II

10:30 am Between now and 1:30 pm we see another 5 people with appointments (and the two that were squeezed in) and things work like well-polished clockwork. While one of us watches the client ride, the other is taking measurements and making adjustme
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Big in Spain

Begging your pardons for the lack of posting this past week. Northern Spain (unless you like big, crowded industrial cities) is very much off-grid  territory. I’m currently tethered to my phone and using up precious data roaming to at least ve
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A Day in the Life of Jochen Schleese – Part I

My wife is a saint. She often gets asked how she puts up with all the travelling I do, and the people I travel with often ask me how I manage to stay focused. It’s easy really – I truly absolutely love what I do. It’s as simple as that! So I th
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New Additions to the Team

Unlike the west coast of Canada where I grew up, South Florida has no fall. It’s still hot and humid with the summer rains and storms continuing. As I am out in the strong sun for a good part of the day I am liberal with the sunscreen and I wea
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Bromont Bail

Have you heard the not-so-breaking news about Paul Côté resigning as CEO of Bromont 2018? Probably not, as the announcement wasn’t exactly sung from the rooftops. I considered adding the word ‘out’ to the title of today’s post, but the sug
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Simply Shameless

Lots of people have asked me why I didn’t launch into print the day the FEI lifted its suspension of the UAE. Well, the short answer was that it was a suspension, not a ban, and was always going to happen at some point. After all, the only way the
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Foul Weather Wiener

It makes perfect sense that if you are going to visit the Celtic part of France, you should expect some bracing Celtic weather. But we didn’t let a little liquid sunshine get in our way (well, except for the day it rained so hard and so sideways we
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School Searching

So, enough about horses for a bit. How about something a bit more light hearted? I picked up our son Liam today from his second day of Kindergarten and, quite honestly, felt like I deserved a bottle of champagne and a standing ovation for getting thi