Online Exclusives

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Celebrating Health and Happiness and New Beginnings

Today was all about me (in my mind anyway). I had a fall a long long time ago and I have had issues with my right knee most of my life. I just had my fourth surgery on it in December and today I got the go ahead to leave the house for the first [&hel
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Saddle-Fitting: More than 9 Points to Perfection

Articles on saddle-fitting are somewhat frequently published in horse magazines, both in print, or online. The articles are usually combined with a bulleted checklist (9 points, 11 points, and so on) to see if your saddle fits. However, the most impo
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Happy Birthday Anne Marie

Today is my birthday and I am in Ocala, which is just the best present anyone could ask for. 🙂 The horses have the day off as is typical for a Monday and they are enjoying some turnout and vitamin D. I know I will get slammed for bringing up the w
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If in Doubt Kick and Shout!

Today was high tension and excitement. It was our first ever Canadian Three Day team fitness testing assignment. To illustrate what I have been doing to stay on top of my riders fitness testing today, here are some pictures of my workout room. I am s
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Selena Reports on Three Lakes

After working the horses this a.m., Anne Marie and I went to watch the new event near Orlando called Three Lakes, it runs Beginner Novice – Preliminary. Here are some shots from the event. The first thing we saw was a picturesque cross country
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2016 Fortune Telling – Part One

As usual, Welly World has hijacked my life, leaving me with little free time and a hoarse voice from all the social interacting that comes from cramming half the horse world into a few square miles. Since I am making so little headway on posting
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K-Rob, Clairvoyant

The future is now. Literally. I’m late with my annual crystal ball peek into what lies ahead in our beloved horse world, but in the spirit of better-late-than-never (and besides – there are still 346 days left in 2016), I’ll post my
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Busy, Rain or Snow

Everybody got ridden in Florida today although ‘rain stopped play’ for a while. Still, it’s really hard to worry about a bit of rain when you are dealing with snow. They all did a light flat work, gradually bringing stiff muscles back into shap
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They Made It

The Florida horses had turnout and sunshine today after two days on the road. Everyone drinking, everyone eating and, most important, everyone pooping as normal. It doesn’t matter how many times we take our horses out on the road, I am always aware